Bug trainers might be some of the easiest opponents in the early game but that doesn’t mean their Pokemon aren’t marvelous! Bugsy, Burgh, and Viola certainly show just how powerful they can be in their gym battles throughout the series.
Still, not every pure Bug type would be put on Aaron’s team in the Elite Four. Not all Pokemon are created equal and it’s impossible to deny that some simply stand out above the competition.
18 Scatterbug

Despite being one of the only Bug types introduced in Generation VI, this didn’t help it stand out in any real way. It only had one major appearance in the anime in To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler! and even there it evolved so quickly fans barely even saw it. The Scatterdust Pokemon isn’t really bad, it’s just not all that notable either.
17 Grubbin

Fans may remember Ash’s failed attempts to catch Grubbin in First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style! and from all of its other minor appearances during the Sun and Moon arc of the anime. One was also trained by Moon in the Pokemon Adventures manga. As the only pure Bug type in Generation VIII, it had a lot of pressure to be excellent and many trainers picked it up so they could eventually own a Vikavolt.
16 Spewpa

While for many Spewpa was just a stop on the evolutionary track towards getting a Vivillion, it had several notable appearances. In Pokemon Adventures, the Lumiose Press editor-in-chief masterfully used two Spewpas in an epic battle to defeat X’s Pokemon. Spewpa also has been a Pokeball Pokemon in the latest two Super Smash Bros. games.
15 Cascoon & Silcoon

It was too hard to split up these two as they are so intertwined. The duality between watching May raise her Wurmple into a Cascoon while Jessie raised her own into a Silcoon is a big part of Ash and the gang’s adventures through Hoenn.
However, it is possible to exclusive Silcoon from the list due to a strange abnormality in the games. In Friend Safaris, Silcoons actually show up as Poison types despite the fact that this is not the case. So for all those sticklers out there, feel free to discount Silcoon from the pure Bug type lists.
14 Blipbug

Blipbug was the only pure Bug type introduced in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Unlike most bugs in the series, it actually took quite a while for it to evolve for the first time making it so trainers that wanted an Orbeetle would have a Blipbug on their team for quite some time. It might have the lowest base stat total of all Bug Pokemon, but it’s one that many trainers had on their teams.
13 Kricketot

Kricketot is the fastest evolving two-stage Pokemon in the entire series but that isn’t what it’s best known for. Most would remember how in Last Call — First Round! Rando’s helped him advance to the Contest Battles during the Sinnoh Grand Festival. We just know that many trainers love its cry in the games as the melodic xylophone sounds it makes are quite alluring.
12 Volbeat

The Firefly Pokemon has appeared a little in the anime but made a much larger impact in the Pokemon Adventures manga. Aqua Admin Amber used two of them to help steal the Blue Orb so she could deliver it to Archie. It was also shown to be an amazing service animal (service Pokemon?) as it helped Emerald with his disabilities in the books.
11 Illumise

Illumise had an extremely niche use in 1v1 battles on Smogon during the Sun and Moon era but most of the battles it shined most in happened in the manga. Not only did Emerland use one during his Battle Factory challenge but Enta also had one that helped him get to the top of the Battle Pyramid. The fact that its shiny is absolutely glorious is just icing on the cake.
10 Wurmple

May, Jessie, and even Aaron all trained Wurmples in the anime. They also had many other minor appearances in the anime and throughout the series in general. It’s hard to not spot this little worm crawling around!
One of the best parts about Wurmple is how it gained meme status within the Pokemon GO community. Party Hat Wurmple is well-loved by the community and can’t evolve either so fans that caught one will have this party worm in their party as long as they want to keep it.
9 Burmy

Burmy is incredibly unique for how it comes in three different forms depending on where it’s caught. Trying to track down each form to evolve into various Wormadams is quite the quest for trainers. It is also now known for being incredibly difficult to get with its hidden ability. As it was only possible to do so previously in the Pokemon Dream World, the only way to do so now is with selective breeding which can take a while to achieve.
8 Shelmet

Trading a Shelmet for another trainer’s Karrablast is what makes it evolve and makes it quite the unique Pokemon. Bianca shows this off in the anime when trading her own with Professor Juniper. Bianca also used it in her battle against Elesa but it was quickly struck down by her superior Zebstrika. A Shelmet also appears in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon as one of the students that follows Pancham.
7 Caterpie

Ash’s Caterpie is one Bug type that no one will ever forget. It was the first Pokemon he ever caught on its own and the story of it evolving all the way to a Butterfree and its eventual departure is one of the most emotional storylines during the first season. It was the original caterpillar to win the hearts of fans and likely the reason many Bug Trainers exist today.
6 Karrablast

Karrablast has had a small niche within the Little Cup metagame in the past. Its ability No Guard making every move hit, combined with its strong attack stat make it so that attacking with Megahorn can be devastating against teams unprepared to take it down. Without a Pokemon that resists Bug type attacks or can outspeed it, players are likely to lose the match once it switches in.
5 Kricketune

Kricketune might not be prised in battle within the games but it was well-loved by one trainer in the anime: Nando. His Kricketune helped him enter the Sinnoh Grand Festival as well as the Lily of the Valley Conference. It was incredibly versatile being successful not only in battles but in contests as well.
It was also the basis for a popular deck archetype in the Pokemon TCG called Quicketune. Using the Kricketune from the Mysterious Treasures expansion, the goal was to get one out onto the field by turn two while having all three Kricketots on the bench. It was cheap and effective making it especially popular with new players.
4 Pineco

Brock’s Pineco was a wonderful addition to his team but where Pineco really shines is in Little Cup as a suicide lead. It has access to Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin, and Explosion alongside an impressive Defense stat. With Sturdy to make sure it can always at least take a single hit, it always will hold a small niche to help set up hazards at the very worst.
3 Pinsir

Pinsir was by far the stronger pure Bug type Pokemon for many years, especially after it got its Mega Evolution. It appeared in countless small appearances throughout the anime as well as the manga but was especially notable when Goh caught one and used it in battles. It even appears as a spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate showing just how iconic this insect is.
2 Metapod

Metapod was a part of what is one of the most hilarious moments in the original anime. Watching Samurai and Ash both command their Metapods to use Harden in a fruitless attempt to defeat each other still elicits chuckles to this day. Since Pokemon never seem to use Struggle in the anime, this battle would have gone on forever had Misty not intervened.
1 Accelgor

Accelgor is the only pure Bug type to ever hold a dominant place in competitive VGC matches. It helped multiple players win over $4,000 in prizes including when James Baek used one to win the International Sao Paulo tournament back in 2019. It might not have had a long time to shine competitively, but while it did, it really helped bring home wins for whoever used it.

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