A recent Famitsu interview with Square Enix’s Tetsuya Nomura revealed exciting new details regarding the upcoming Yuffie-centric DLC chapter of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The new chapter, which reveals what ninja and future party member Yuffie has been up to during the events of the game’s first installment, was announced alongside a PlayStation 5 version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
The enhanced PlayStation 5 version, officially titled Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, will feature updated visuals, shorter loading times, and a brand new photo mode. It will be offered as a free upgrade to customers who already own the PlayStation 4 version of the game, while the Yuffie DLC will require a separate purchase and will be exclusive to the PlayStation 5. Both are currently scheduled for a June 2021 release.
Nomura’s interview with Famitsu was conducted in Japanese, but key details were translated on Twitter by frequent gaming news source @Nibellion:
Yuffie, who uses a swift fighting style based around ranged attacks, will be the DLC episode’s sole playable character. A new character, Sonon Kusakabe, was confirmed by Nomura to not be an official party member but rather a guest character who can be called to aid in battle by pressing the L2 button. Like Yuffie, Sonon is a ninja of the land of Wutai who journeys to the city of Midgar to aid the rebel group Avalanche. He wields a staff in combat, and will be able to perform synchronized attacks with Yuffie.
Additionally, Nomura confirmed that the DLC will feature both new types of materia – a magical substance capable of enhancing characters’ weapons and attacks – and new summonable creatures. The appearance of new materia could be a tribute to Yuffie’s introduction in the original Final Fantasy VII, in which she was first met stealing valuable materia from protagonist Cloud.
Nomura did not offer any details regarding the new summons or materia, simply stating that they would be present. Summons present in the Remake’s first part included Ifrit, Shiva, Cactuar, and the fan favorite Fat Chocobo.
Finally, Nomura told Famitsu that the Yuffe episode is currently the only DLC planned for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Following its release, Square Enix plans to focus on the second installment in the remake itself, rather than further DLC chapters. A potential release window for the Remake’s second part was not mentioned, but Nomura did confirm that work had begun. Fans theorize that Intergrade might provide some clues regarding what will happen in Part 2.
In addition to Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade and the accompanying Yuffie chapter, two new Final Fantasy mobile games are planned for release in 2021 and 2022. Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier is a battle royale title which takes place 30 years prior to the events of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, while Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis will be an episodic role-playing game focusing on events from Final Fantasy 7 spinoffs such as the film Advent Children and the games Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade and Yuffie’s DLC will release for the PlayStation 5 on June 10, 2021.

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