With the start of Genshin Impact‘s 1.4 update comes the launch of the highly anticipated Hangout event system. During the event, players have the opportunity to hang out with four of Genshin Impact‘s more overlooked characters as they learn more about their personalities in the process.
In this guide, we will be looking at Barbara’s hangout event and will showcase what dialogue choices are required to unlock each of the five possible endings to the event. It is important to note that players are able to track what endings they have achieved for each character’s hangout event through the event menu and are able to obtain alternate endings without having to replay the entire hangout event by selecting specific quest nodes within the event page.
So that players are not spoiled by any event revelations, it is recommended to complete the first playthrough naturally and then reference this guide as a means of obtaining any missed endings. While it is possible for players to fail an event based on the dialogue choices that they select, they can easily restart the quest from a number of story paths on the hangout page.

Accessed via the “Sister Victoria’s Vexation” story path, this is arguably the worst ending that players can obtain from Barbara’s hangout event. This ending can be obtained immediately after finding Barbara in Wolvendom near the Andrius weekly-boss location. Shortly after finding Barbara, players will be interrupted by a random fan who appears to be trying to locate her. At this point players must select the dialogue option “Just wait here, we’ll go send that person away.” After confronting the fan, players must then either select ” It is dangerous here” or ” Barbara isn’t here anymore.” Players will then have to follow the fan as he attempts to search for Barbara before the ending is unlocked.

Accessed via the “Deaconess’s Gratitude” story path, to unlock this ending players must first select “I would like to try your special Chilibrew!” after returning from Wolvendom. Players must then select “Alright, let’s split up” before heading to find the ingredients required for Barbara’s chilibrew. After rescuing the merchant from the treasure hoarders, players must then select ” I’d like to try that Liyue Chilibrew…” as their reward to unlock the ending.

Obtained by selecting all of the same dialogue paths as the previous “Fiery Flavor From Liyue” ending, except, when players are given the choice to select their reward they must choose “Well, we were looking for Sweet Flowers…” in order to unlock this ending.

Accessed via the “Deaconess’s Gratitude” story path, to unlock this ending players must also select “I would like to try your special Chilibrew!” but then select “I think it’d be better if we stick together.” After heading to the woods to collect the ingredients required, the player must first defeat a group of Hilichurls. Once the mob has been defeated, the player and Barbara will be confronted by a man claiming to be injured and in need of Barbara’s healing. Players must then select “Hold on Barbara. He’s a suspicious character, we should take him to see the Knights first” which will trigger a fight against the man before unlocking the ending.

Also accessed via the “Deaconess’s Gratitide” story path, to unlock this path players must select “Fantastic Summer-Serendipity Coral Sparking Tea does sound pretty amazing.” when asked what drink they would prefer. Players will then have to travel to The Cat’s Tail which is located near Mondstadt’s entrance and defend Barbara from a mob of adoring fans. After convincing the fans to leave, players must then follow Barbara on a short walk before the ending is unlocked.
Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, and PS4, with PS5 and Switch versions in development.

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