Those waiting for a release for PUBG‘s upcoming Survival Season 11 have received a bit of good news courtesy of an online leak.
The statement, translated from Chinese, makes mention of PUBG Season 11’s upcoming story content and also gives a teaser about the return of Survive till Dawn on the title’s mobile port. The most exciting news for dedicated players is contained at the end of the statement, however, rounding out the leak with the confirmation that players will see the new chapter coming in April.
If the leak is correct, this means players could get their hands on PUBG Season 11 on PC in just over 2 weeks at the minimum. Season 10 of PUBG focused on close urban combat, a departure from PUBG’s original mil-sim styled long range engagements. There haven’t been any specifics given on Season 11’s theme, though the mention that it will come with story content could open up the way for some more fantastical content- the recently teased horror title The Callisto Protocol has been confirmed to be part of the PUBG canon.
As such, players might start to see some tie-ins to the upcoming survival horror with some scary content of its own. This would follow in vein with PUBG Mobile‘s often more far-flung content updates, such the January update that added a mode with Runic magic to PUBG Mobile.
The leaked statement reads like it’s being made as part of an announcement for both games- and while there’s no mention of the console version of PUBG, it can be assumed that the content for PC will carry over to console ports as well.
While Season 10 hasn’t ended yet, players are understandably hungry for the next wave’s fresh batch of content to keep players engaged- the leaked confirmation that players won’t be waiting long for it after the end of the season is welcome affirmation to PUBG players that the four year old title isn’t out of steam yet. In the meantime, players can get ready for the upcoming anniversary event.
Season 11 of PUBG is heading to PC in April.

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