Of all the boss fights in Dark Souls 3, there is one found in The Ringed City DLC that stands out as exceptionally unique. The battle against Halflight, the last member of the Spears of the Church to remain in the Ringed City, is more than it seems.
For Halflight is only the boss that appears when the player is offline, as Judicator Argo initially attempts to summon a real human player from another world. The giant pulls a player from another world who has joined the Spears of the Church covenant or someone who has a desire to invade and slay a host. This is the only boss fight in the game where another player is intended to be a boss, though this gimmick has been seen in the Old Monk boss fight in Demon’s Souls.
Regardless of who Judicator Argo summons to face the player, PvP tactics would serve the best here, especially when church guardians are summoned to make things one-sided against the Ashen One. Prior to facing off against the representative from the Spears of the Church, one should prepare for lots of rolling, parries, and ganking tactics.

One status ailment that both Halflight and the church guardians are weak to is frost. Being human in form and movement means that players can use the same kind of attacks against them that one would use in PvP, though be wary as one is fighting AI and not humans, therefore Halflight’s reaction times will literally be machine-like.
Pretty much any of the frost weapons will be useful in this fight, however, the faster ones will allow players to not only trade blows with foes better but also increase one’s chances of evading attacks. Try to stay close to Halflight while constantly circling them, as this will make dodging his attacks easier as well as help to close distance when needed.
Any tactic that attempts to roll-catch Halflight would be great to use to counter the church member’s evasive maneuvers, however, do not neglect the church guardians that get summoned partway through the fight. Take them out quickly, as they have fairly low HP and will simply get in the way to an obnoxious degree.

Halflight will try to parry the player on occasion, so be sure not to simply spam light attacks unless one wants to get riposted. Conversely, the Ashen One can also parry Halflight to give him a taste of his own medicine. If this is the tactic that one wants to use, be sure to equip a small shield in the offhand because of their bigger parry-timing windows and a weapon that has high critical hit damage in the main hand for ravaging ripostes. Equipping the Hornet Ring would also be a great idea in order to maximize critical damage.
Some weapon types that would be great for this tactic are the daggers and the thrusting swords as they, on average, have higher critical attack stats than others. The plain Dagger or the common Rapier are among the 2 best choices for they both have a massive critical attack stat of 130.

For Strength builds who don’t feel like changing up their battle tactics, donning the toughest armor to minimize the damage from Halflight’s attacks would not be a bad idea. However, this boss uses a large variety of damage types, including slash, thrust, dark, magic, and lighting while also being able to cause bleed build-up thanks to his Frayed Blade katana.
The ideal armor to use here is Havel’s Set, for its very high damage reduction against all these elements. The poise granted from heavy armor will also allow one to tank through attacks and deliver blows in return. Since one is already rocking tons of poise with this strategy, it would make the most sense to bring a greatweapon to this fight for even more poise, some hyper armor, and, most importantly, high single-hit damage that might stagger Halflight and open them up for another hit or two.

Although Halflight is not resistant or immune to magic, fire, or dark damage, it is still recommended to use miracles against him since both he and the church guardians are weak to lightning damage, despite using miracles themselves. However, since all enemies in this boss fight are quite fast and agile, players should prioritize using the faster miracles, such as Lightning Arrow.
Be wary when taking on this boss in ranged battle, as Halflight carries a bow that he will use if the player tries to keep their distance. In addition, staying far away from Halflight and the church guardians will give them lots of time to cast their Heal miracles, which is less than ideal. To prevent them from healing at a distance, players should bring heavy-hitting miracles like Sunlight Spear to interrupt their casting in between zapping them with lighter spells.

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