The Shadowlands expansion introduced a wealth of new content into the already massive World of Warcraft. The expansion included the addition of 24 wild battle pets, as well as dozens of battle pets that can be earned by completing activities in the game.
Unlike combat pets, battle pets do not attack enemies or opposing players. The small pets are used in a mini game added to WoW called pet battles. There are so many new battle pets that it is difficult to include them all in one article. For the sake of brevity, this list will include every class of battle pets and where to find them.

There are an incredible amount of battle pets in Shadowlands that can be acquired throughout the massive maps. To make this list as clear as possible, all of the battle pets are organized alphabetically followed by where to find them. More information on the covenant, quest, and unlockable pets can be found below this section. The exact coordinates of rare and difficult to locate pets are included as well.
- Location: House of Constructs in Maldraxxus
- Location: Theatre of Pain in Maldraxxus
- Location; House of Constructs in Maldraxxus
- Location: Heartwood Grove in Ardenweald
- Location: Heartwood Grove in Ardenweald
- Location: Temple of Courage (42, 59), Temple of Humility (60, 40), Vestibule of Eternity (40, 80) in Bastion
- Location: Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald
- Location: Sinfall and Darkhaven in Revendreth
- Location: 42, 59 in Bastion
- Location: Hero’s Rest (40, 30) in Bastion
- Location: Hero’s Rest (40, 30) in Bastion
- Location: (30, 48), or (70, 54) in Ardenweld
- Location: Darkhaven (50, 75) in Revendreth
- Location: Darkhaven (56, 59) in Revendreth
- Location: (45, 30) in Maldraxxus
- Location: Castle Nathria, Darkhaven, and Halls of Atonement in Revendreth.
- Location: Hero’s Rest (44, 43) and Aspirant’s Crucible (57, 88) in Bastion
- Location: Glitterfall Basin in Ardenweald
- Location: 55, 57 in Ardenweald
- Location: 43, 55 in Ardenweald
- Location: Anywhere in Bastion
- Location: (54, 90) in Bastion
- Location: Hero’s Rest and Temple of Courage in Bastion
- Location: Near the Darkhaven rivers in Revendreth

In Shadowlands, there are five different covenants, each of which has a handful of exclusive battle pets. While all of the following pets can be collected, players can only summon covenant specific pets if they are in that covenant. Below are all of the covenant battle pets and where to get them, organized by covenant.
- Fun Guss: Purchased from Cortinarius who is next to Marasmius in the mushroom network in Ardenweald
- Fuzzy Shimmermoth: Purchased from Cortinarius who is next to Marasmius in the mushroom network in Ardenweald
- Gloober, as G’huun: Purchased from Master Clerk Salorn (43, 47) in Ardenweald
- Leafadore: Purchased from Master Clerk Salorn (43, 47) in Ardenweald
- Sir Reginald: Purchased from Master Clerk Salorn (43, 47) in Ardenweald
- Stemmins: Purchased from Spindlenose (59.6, 52.8) in Ardenweald
- Willowbreeze: Purchased from Spindlenose (59.6, 52.8) in Ardenweald
- Grubby: Acquired from the A New Age quest in Bastion
- Indigo: Acquired from the Path of Ascension (Arena) in Bastion
- Lost Featherling: Drop from elite mobs in the loyalty area in Bastion
- Steward Featherling: Purchased from Zeleskos in Elysian Hold in Bastion after completing the Inside the Park Home Run questline
- Backbone: Created in the Butcher’s Block in Maldraxxus
- Mu’dud: Created in the Butcher’s Block in Maldraxxus
- Battie: Spawns in the Ember Court Run in Revendreth
- Char: Spawns in the Ember Court Run in Revendreth
- Stony: Members need to upgrade the Sanctum Feature Transport Network to Tier 3, and then repair mirrors throughout Revendreth.
There are eight additional covenant pets, each of which can be unlocked by either speaking to the covenant NPC or completing covenant tasks. To simplify the list, these additional pets are listed below.
- Bloodfeaster Spiderling
- Brightscale Hatchling
- Corpulent Bonetusk
- Dusty Sporeflutterer
- Pearlwing Heron
- Plaguelouse Larva
- Sable
- Violet Dredwing Pup

Gamers can find a host of rare battle pets on each map in the Shadowlands. Below are all of the rare battle pet drops and where to get them.
- Chirpy Valeshrieker: Drops from Old Ardeite in Shimmerbourough (51, 57)
- Dodger: Drops from Playful Vulpin throughout the island
- Gorm Needler: Drops from Defir the Untamed (48.52, 28.32)
- Rocky: Drops from Macabre, who appears after performing a ring of dance with three players
- Lavender Nibbler: Drops from Gormbore (53.86, 75.82)
- Courage: This little guy is still undiscovered! Potentially a world boss drop or Larion training quest reward
- Devoured Wader: Supposedly drops from Swelling Tear events, only 1% of players have acquired it
- Golden Cloudfeather: Drops from Cloudfeather Guardians (49.82 59.06)
- Larion Pouncer: Drops from Larionrider Orstus (22.71, 22.88)
- Animated Tome: Acquired from Scrivener Lenua (37.62, 69.28)
- Blushing Spiderling: Drops from Tomb Burster (43.10, 79.20)
- Bound Lightspawn: Could be a world drop, people have claimed it drops from Amalgamation of Light (25.5, 48.6)
- Crimson Dredwing Pup: Drops from Starving Dreadbat (51, 73), and possibly from Hopecrusher (52, 51.4)
- Lucy: Acquired from the Training Our Forces covenant quest, which appears daily for each covenant
- Primordial Bogling: Drops from Bog Beast (35.0, 32.3)
- Wrathling: Drops from Manifestation of Wraith (49.8 35.0) and Leeched Soul (67.8, 81.8)
- Boneweave Hatchling: Drops from Sister Chelicerae (54.92, 23.25)
- Corpselouse Larva: Drops From Smorgas the Feaster (42.27, 53.90)
- Feasting Larva: Drops From Smorgas the Feaster (42.27, 53.90)
- Foulwing Buzzer: Drops from Ravenonmous (54.06, 19.40)
- Invertebrate Oil: Drops from Oily Invertebrate (58.41, 74.31)
- Shy Melvin: Drops from Deadly Dapperling (76.8, 57.0)
- Writhing Spine: Drops from Scunner (61.6, 76.4)
- Decaying Mawrat: Supposedly drops from Ratgushers in the Calcis Cave and Odalrik (38.6, 28.8)
- Dread: Drops from Eternas the Tormentor (27.4, 49.4)
- Sharpclaw: Drops from Sanngror the Torturer (56.1, 64.2)
- Undying Deathroach: Drop location is unknown

There are a total of eighteen battle pets that can be acquired from chests or in events in Shadowlands. To simplify this list, all pets that can be found in chests will be denoted with the correct island and coordinates. Below are all of these battle pets and where to find them:
- Amber Glitterwing: Ardenweald Desiccated Moth (41.95, 32.52)
- Bloodlouse Larva: Maldraxxus (55.97, 38.97)
- Bubbling Pustule: Maldraxxus (64.81, 82.10)
- Burdened Soul: 65.71, 42.91 and several other locations in Revendreth
- Carpal: Crafted using items from pet battle world quests. Gamers need Lend Me a Hand (combine Animated Radius, Animated Ulna, and Flexing Phalanges).
- Cloudfeather Fledgling: Ancient Cloudfeather Egg in Ardenweald (52.99, 37.25)
- Gilded Wader: Rumored to drop in the Greed’s Desire Chest in Crypt of the Forgotten, Bastion
- Gorm Harrier: Ardenweald (56.02, 21.02)
- Iridescent Ooze: Maldraxxus (57.66, 75.83)
- Lost Quill: Revendreth (37.65, 68.78)
- Oonar’s Arm: There is some debate as to what steps are required to obtain the pet. The best theory is eating four edible recaps and binding a Hearthstone to the innkeeper near the Theatre of Pain in Maldraxxus. Fast travel and obtain the Sword of Oonar. This is merely speculation.
- Purity: Bastion (64.9, 71.2)
- Shimmerbough Hoarder: Ardenweald (49.70, 55.88)
- Silvershell Snapper: Bastion (41.3, 49.1)
- Skittering Venomspitter: Drops from Sprouting Growth in Maldraxxus (40.4, 31.8)
- Spinebug: Maldraxxus (41.51, 19.71)
- Starry Dreamfoal: Drops in the Cache of the Night in Ardenweald (36.03, 65.52). Players need Fae Ornament (51.57, 61.61), Enchanted Bough (42.41, 46.72), and Raw Dream Fibers (36.99, 29.83) to craft Fae Dreamcatcher and lower the barrier to loot the chest.
- The Count: Revendreth (57.4, 43.4)
- Trapped Stonefiend: Revendreth (23.7, 28.5), (30.3, 24.8), (33.0, 19.0), or (27.5, 11.9)

Gamers have even more battle pets to unlock in Shadowlands. Players that want to catch all of the pets in Shadowlands will have to invest a little more time to get the following pets.
- Dal: From the A Stolen Stone Fiend quest from Edgar the Collector in Revendreth (46, 38.8)
- Helpful Glimmerly: From the Broken Wings questline initiated by Kowalskos in Bastion (42.8, 42.8)
- Plagueborn Slime: From the Slime, Anyone? questline initiated by Plague Deviser Marileth in Maldraxxus (60.4, 71.6)
- Renny: From the That Darn Fox quest in Glitterfall Basin, Ardenweald
- Death Seeker: Complete layer 2 of twisting corridors in Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- Spriggan Trickster: Family Exorcist Achievement in Pet Battles
- Winterleaf Spriggan: Abhorrent Adversaries of the Afterlife Achievement in Pet Battles
- Archivist’s Quill: Purchased from Archivist Janeera in Revendreth (73, 52) with 1000 Sinstone Fragments
- Court Messenger: Purchased from Mistress Mihaela in Revendreth (61.4, 64.8) with 250 Polished Pet Charm
- Floofa: Purchased from Aithlyn in the Heart of the Forest next to Flwngyrr in Ardenweald with 250 Polished Pet Charm
- Goldenpaw Kit: Purchased from Adjutant Nikos in Bastion (52.2, 47) for 1,765 coins.
- Hungry Borrower: Found in the Wild Hunt Supplies emissary cache from Aithlyn in Ardenweald (48.5, 50.4)
- Larion Cub: From Ascended Supplies quest initiated by Adjutant Nikos in Bastion (52.2, 47)
- Micromancer: Drops from Supplies of The Undying Army, from Nalcorn Talsen in Maldraxxus (50.6, 53.4)
- Stoneskin Dredwing Pup: Drops from the Paragon reputation box for Court of the Harvesters on Revendreth. See Mistress Mihaela (61.4, 64.8)
- Toenail: Purchased for 1,765 coins from Nalcorn Talsen in Maldraxxus (50.6, 53.4)
There are nine additional battle pets in Torghast, all of which do not yet have defined locations. While players have reported spotting these pets, more information is needed to detail their exact locations. Each of the pets is listed below:
- Ashen Chomper
- Death Seeker
- Frenzied Mawrat
- Hissing Deathroach
- Maw Crawler
- Maw Stalker
- Severs
- Torghast Lurker
- Tower Deathroach
There are currently four identified raid specific pets. Listed below are all four and the raid they are dropped in.
- Raw Emotion: Sanguine Depths
- Sludge Feeler: Plaguefall
- Spinemaw Gormling: Mists of Tirna Scithe
- Will of Remornia: Castle Nathria
Finally, these are the remaining pets and how to find them. Most of the remaining pets are from the Mission Table and more information is needed about these new pets.
- Devouring Animite: Mission Table
- Pernicious Bonetusk: Mission Table
- Runelight Leaper: Mission Table
- Spirited Skyfoal: Mission Table
- PHA7–YNX: Crafted in Bastion with 115 engineering. Items can be purchased from Adjutant Nikos (52.2, 47)
- Putrid Geist: Shadowlands pre-patch event

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