Skyrim is full of subplots, side quests, and secrets for the player to discover. Yet, some of the game’s hidden mysteries don’t have satisfying conclusions for players to find. Furthermore, some quests or aspects of the game design raise lore questions that don’t seem to have clear answers.
In such a large game, some loose ends are bound to be left hanging—much to the dismay and confusion of many players, who are forced to speculate and fill in the gaps for themselves. Here are a few examples of plot holes and unanswered questions that were never resolved in Skyrim.
10 Who Was Maven Trying To Have Killed?

Behind a locked door in the basement of Black-Briar Manor lies a Black Sacrament effigy. Additionally, near this gruesome scene lies a note from Maven to Astrid, demanding to know why her contract hasn’t yet been carried out.
Who does Maven so abhor that not even the Thieves’ Guild’s methods are enough? Perhaps her target is one of Nazeem’s side contracts, such as the Khajiit merchant Ma’randru-jo or the pirate Safir. It seems that players will never know, and Maven certainly won’t tell.
9 Why Can’t A Widowed Dragonborn Remarry?

There are plenty of romance options in Skyrim—most of whom are non-essential. If the player’s spouse meets an untimely end, the Dragonborn cannot marry again. Wearing the Amulet of Mara won’t trigger proposal dialogue from eligible NPCs, and no second ceremony can be held without cheats or console commands.
Perhaps Skyrim’s laws don’t permit remarriage. There doesn’t seem to be any mention of widowed NPCs remarrying. Yet, if this were the case, the priests at the Temple of Mara should have dialogue explaining why this is impossible.
8 Who Sends The Dragonborn These Helpful Letters?

If the Dragonborn uses a Shout in any named location, a courier may approach them later with a note. This letter will say that the player “caused quite a stir,” and that the author wishes to help them. They will name the location of a Word Wall, and sign it as “A Friend.”
Who are these “friends” of the Dragonborn, and how did they come by their knowledge of Word Walls? How do they know when the player Shouts in places like Apocrypha or the Throat of the World?
7 Why Are There Only Human Children?

Skyrim is the first Elder Scrolls game to feature child NPCs. However, the only ones in the game belong to human races. One argument is that humans are more common in Skyrim; however, it still makes little sense.
For example, in Orc strongholds, NPCs frequently speak about raising strong children—so why are there none to be seen? Why are there no Dunmer children in Raven Rock or Windhelm’s Gray Quarter? It seems odd to incorporate children into the game for only half of the playable races.
6 What Happens to Babette and Cicero in “Destroy the Dark Brotherhood”?

If the player kills Astrid in “With Friends Like These,” this quest will begin. The Dragonborn eventually raids the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, killing everyone inside. However, neither Babette nor Cicero is present at that time.
What fate befalls these two? Cicero knows the Dawnstar Sanctuary’s location; does he make his way there with the Night Mother? Can Babette preserve what little remains of her organization? Perhaps this is truly the end of the Brotherhood, but it’s hard to imagine Babette or Cicero giving up easily.
5 When Will The Jarls Call A Moot?

According to Skyrim’s laws, when a High King dies, the Jarls convene a Moot to elect a new leader. After Torygg’s death, Ulfric’s refusal to call this council and tensions between his and Elisif’s supporters led to the Civil War.
However, after the war ends, no new High King or Queen is named. There’s no mention of a Moot, nor any change in Elisif or Ulfric’s titles should their respective side win. When will a new leader emerge? Until then, Skyrim remains rudderless, and the war was for nothing.
4 Why Isn’t The Dragonborn’s Race A Bigger Factor?

Skyrim is a land fraught with race issues. Yet, the player’s race doesn’t really affect gameplay. For example, despite Stormcloak beliefs that Skyrim belongs to the Nords, any player can join their army. Khajiit Dragonborn, despite laws that ban their kind from cities, don’t face this discrimination.
Racially exclusive factions, like the Forsworn and Thalmor, don’t become joinable or even have unique interactions if the Dragonborn’s race matches their own. For a setting full of racial tension, this lack of impact on the player’s experience feels like an oversight.
3 What Does The Psijic Order Want?

During the College of Winterhold storyline, the Dragonborn receives visions from members of this supposedly long-gone order. They are powerful mages who assist the player on their quest, but their motivations are never fully discussed.
These monks claim they will secure the Eye of Magnus so power-hungry people cannot use it again. Do they seal it in some unknowable location, or did they want its power for themselves? Furthermore, what implications does their return hold for the future? Perhaps these are questions for The Elder Scrolls 6.
2 How Can The Dragonborn Read An Elder Scroll?

A cornerstone of Elder Scrolls lore is that reading the titular documents can render one blind and insane. It takes decades of training to comprehend the Scrolls, and read one without severe consequences.
Yet, the Dragonborn reads an Elder Scroll with no preparation and faces no repercussions. Compare this to Dexion Evicus, a Moth Priest in Dawnguard. He’s dedicated his life to studying Elder Scrolls, yet still renders himself blind by reading one. How did the Dragonborn, with only a sliver of Dexion’s knowledge, succeed in reading a Scroll?
1 Who Ultimately Claims The Dragonborn’s Soul?

Throughout Skyrim, the Dragonborn can stumble upon each of the Daedric Princes. Some, like Sanguine, simply want to have some fun; others demand the player’s eternal servitude. The Dragonborn can pledge themselves to multiple entities—but in the end, they only have one soul to give.
Members of the Dark Brotherhood serve Sithis; Nightingales are bound to Nocturnal; werewolves join Hircine in the hunt. But what if the player is all three? And what kind of storm would brew, if these powerful beings clashed over the Dragonborn’s soul?

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