Destiny 2: Beyond Light brought players a new raid activity with the Deep Stone Crypt, where Guardians learn more of the lore surrounding Clovis Bray and Calamity. The end of the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2 sets Guardians against Taniks, and defeating Taniks finishes the raid and gives Guardians a chance at the Eyes of Tomorrow Exotic Raid Rocket Launcher.
The Eyes of Tomorrow can only be acquired at the Taniks encounter of the Deep Stone Crypt Raid, making it a rare and elusive weapon for Guardians to acquire. Eyes of Tomorrow’s Exotic Perk named ‘Eyes on All’ allows the Rocker Launcher to fire a volley of rockets that all have tracking. The supporting Trait, Adaptive Ordnance, triggers when Guardians kill four or more combatants in a single volley and will increase the damage of the next volley.
Bungie originally implemented a Bad Luck Protection system for the Eyes of Tomorrow that increases the chances of the Rocket Launcher dropping for guardians whenever it fails to drop. This means that every time a Guardian was not awarded the Eyes of Tomorrow after beating Taniks, their chances of obtaining it increased for their next week. Eventually, this system would guarantee that a Guardian would get the Eyes of Tomorrow.

Bungie stated in the March 18, 2021 edition of This Week at Bungie, that the system was incorrectly coded, resulting in the increased chances to be applied incorrectly to the Bad Luck Protection. Bad Luck Protection is supposed to be account wide; however, it has been factored individually for each character that completed the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. A fix for this will come on March 23, 2021 with Update
The goal is that each character that a Guardian defeats Taniks with will have a chance at the Eyes of Tomorrow Exotic Rocket Launcher. This would total three chances each week, or one chance per character. If Guardians did not get the Eyes of Tomorrow on any character, their Bad Luck Protection would increase their chances for the next week across the account. The weekly Bad Luck Protection drop chance increase is the same regardless of if Guardians run three characters or just one.
Furthering the problem, Bad Luck Protection would only increase for the first character that beat Taniks for the week, and not the other characters. This means that if Guardians defeated Taniks on their Hunter the first time for the week, the Hunter’s Bad Luck Protection would increase. The other Characters would not have their Bad Luck Protection increased even if they ran the Deep Stone Crypt Raid.
Bungie has stated that Update will fix the problem and combine all raid completion on an account to a single value. The Update will also be applied retroactively, which is a good thing for Guardians who use all three characters.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: Bungie

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