Destiny 2 has been dealing with a major exploit that has been responsible for the cancellation of Trials of Osiris multiple times over the last month. Bungie released a patch last week and brought Trials of Osiris back into the game, only to be canceled again the next day. Players have been exploiting Destiny 2’s rejoin feature in order to win-trade and secure a Flawless Passage, allowing players to go to the Lighthouse and claim the exclusive Flawless rewards.
Recently, Senior Community Manager dmg04 stated that Bungie could not disable the Rejoin feature in Trials of Osiris without affecting the rest of the game and a larger pool of Guardians. Today, Bungie Help took to Twitter to once again announce the return of Trials of Osiris on Friday, March 19.
Bungie Help confirmed that the Fireteam Rejoin feature has been fully disabled in the Trials of Osiris thanks to Destiny 2 Update 3.1.1. Further, Bungie stated that the Fireteam Rejoin feature is expected to return in a future update. It looks like Bungie is utilizing the benefits it stated about the Destiny Content Vault allowing Bungie to more quickly respond to issues and bugs in the game.
With Trials of Osiris making its return tomorrow, Guardians have already started questioning what the rewards will be for the weekend. Last weekend harbored the elusive Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon, as well as an Adept version of The Messenger Pulse Rifle. Guardians also had access to the new Trials of Osiris Arms Armor for three wins, along with the Sola’s Scar Trials Sword that can come with Chain Reaction on a Caster Frame.
The rewards for last weekend’s Trials of Osiris were quite popular but had to be cut short due to the cancellation. Guardians are hoping that the same rewards come back this weekend, allowing more Guardians to chase after the elusive Hand Cannon and the Adept Pulse Rifle.
With Trials of Osiris having a rough last month, players may be skeptical about the return of Trials of Osiris. Even with the Fireteam Rejoin feature disabled, many players have been vocal about what other changes need to come to Trials of Osiris to make it better and more accessible for more Guardians. Trials of Osiris has been fluctuating in its player count for a while, which may be the reason Bungie has mentioned the desire to overhaul Trials of Osiris along with Iron Banner.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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