Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 920 – 925 Explained: The ‘Replacement’ Leader

Brain has uncovered who the Master of Master‘s four other chosen Union leaders really are. A theory of Lauriam’s regarding Strelitzia’s disappearance gave him the idea to check the list of new Union leaders that Master Ava trusted him with over four years ago, and it revealed that Strelitzia was supposed to be one. By extension, it also revealed that one of the leaders currently among the group isn’t one of the Master’s picks. To get to the bottom of things, Brain has brought Ephemer in on the situation and now waits at the outskirts of Daybreak Town for his Chirithy to bring them the “replacement” leader.

The important events in quests 920 through 925 of Kingdom Hearts Union Cross finally reveal which of the new Union leaders was in the warehouse with Strelitzia when she was murdered. Between Ephemer, Brain, and Lauriam, three leaders have already been cleared, leaving only two left to pick from. This writing exists as a recap and interpretation of these events to help provide a better understanding of the Kingdom Hearts Union Cross storyline, so there will be spoilers ahead.

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Ven and Skuld experience one final moment of peace for everyone before things start careening downhill. While walking along the clock tower bridge, snow starts falling — an unexpected but welcomed phenomenon in the Data World. The two take in the experience, wondering if it’s snowing in the real world too and if their fellow leaders are enjoying it while they’re off doing whatever it is they’re doing. To keep “busy” themselves, they make plans to build a snowman, hoping to relax since they haven’t had much time too, but Brain’s Chirithy stops that by materializing and asking them to follow it.

Brain and Ephemer didn’t expect Chirithy to bring both Skuld and Ven. They had wanted to talk to the replacement alone to gauge a few things. The two are here now, though, so Brain decides to carry on with asking questions, simply adjusting them to compensate. This doesn’t work at first, as Ven and Skuld both claim Master Ava was the one who made them Union leaders when asked, which tells Brain and Ephemer nothing. Ephemer suggests talking to them separately, but Brain tries one more question, one inspired by a conversation he and Ephemer had prior to Skuld and Ven arriving.

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He asks the duo where they were when they learned they were Union leaders, and this time, the answers are telling. Skuld claims she found out right here: the outskirts of town, while Ven, on the other hand, claims that he was near the clock tower when it happened. This reveal is enough to get Brain and Ephemer to exchange glances because Skuld’s answer proves Ava obviously loved using the outskirts to deliver her news; she brought Brain and Ephemer here too. Ven having a different answer puts what the duo learned from the Union leader list into perspective.

However, the glance is enough to set Skuld off. She sensed an interrogation-like atmosphere ever since she and Ven arrived, and she wants to know why. Ven’s also curious if they’re being suspected of something. Ephemer clarifies that it wasn’t his and Brain’s intention to seem untrusting, but that’s not enough of an answer for Skuld, which is fine. Brain feels he and Ephemer have the information they need now, so he decides to explain what’s going on. He reveals his possession of the Book of Prophecies, how he’s not meant to have it, why Ava gave it to him, and finally, the Union leader list.

Brain thinks the list is strange because it claims that Strelitzia is supposed to be a leader too, yet she’s not here. Skuld wonders if that means Ava swapped her out for the same reason she gave Brain the Book: to fight against the Keyblade War. However, Brain doesn’t think that’s the case. If Ava planned to switch out a Union leader, she wouldn’t have given Brain the list of originals in the first place. Also, Strelitzia’s just gone. There’s no trace of her, and Brain doesn’t think Ava’s the type of person to make people disappear — no matter the reason.

So Skuld suggests another theory: maybe Ava replaced Strelitzia after she went missing, but this doesn’t add up either. Strelitzia was last seen right before the Keyblade War, trying to get the protagonist to join the Dandelions. Brain checked the list in the first place because he figured Strelitzia’s actions originated from Ava making her a Union leader, thus assuring her that the Keyblade War was happening. If Strelitzia was promoted that close to the end, and Ava wanted to switch her out, she would have told someone. At the very least, she would have told Brain because she trusted him with both the Book and the list of names she was about to change.

For her next suggestion, Skuld asks if Laurium is on the list, having noticed he’s not a part of their discussion, and Ephemer confirms that he is. Ephemer and Brain just didn’t include him because he’s stressed out enough about Strelitzia as it is, and they didn’t want to worry him further without reason. That’s why Brain asked the questions he did earlier; he wanted to see if the replacement leader could provide any clues about what happened to Strelitzia.

He wasn’t trying to suspect them because there’s no reason to. Only three people knew who all the Union leaders were before the Keybalde Graveyard gathering, those being Ava, the Master, and potentially Brain himself — if he had chosen to read the Union leader list when he received it. Simply put, the replacement leader couldn’t have knowingly stolen the title from Strelitzia, so there’s no reason to suspect they were actively involved in her disappearance. However, the person they claim to have given them the title is a different story.

That aside, from what Brain can tell, the replacement is as clueless as they are, which, while unfortunate, is fine. It just means they’ll all have to work together to figure out what’s happening. That’s what Ephemer and Brain agreed on before Skuld and Ven showed up. Even though the replacement isn’t supposed to be a Union leader, the duo doesn’t want the team dynamic between them to change. They’re all still friends, and they’ll work together to get to the bottom of what’s going on. With that, Brain approaches Ventus and tells him that his name isn’t on the list.

Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is on IOS and Android.

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