Mark Hamill Blows ‘Bigger Luke’ Star Wars Conspiracy Wide Open

Star Wars is a large, complicated universe full of mystery, and the Force is always working its magic in one way or another, sometimes in ways so subtle only the most keen-eyed of observers catch it. Of all the strange occurrences in a galaxy far, far away, however, Mark Hamill has recently blown the lid on one of the biggest secrets in the canon: Bigger Luke.

The average fan could be forgiven for not noticing the subtle differences, but in fact, one Star Wars conspiracy theory posits that there are in fact 2 versions of Luke Skywalker: Luke, and his companion, Bigger Luke. The primary difference being that Bigger Luke is, as the name implies, slightly bigger, standing an inch or 2 taller than regular-sized Luke.

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Those who comb through the original trilogy looking for images of the elusive Bigger Luke, a process known as ‘Luking,’ often use Han Solo as the primary point of reference, given the two characters are often in scenes together. Using the measuring stick that is Harrison Ford, fans can compare the height of Luke in various Star Wars shots, attempting to prove once and for all that Bigger Luke is real, and figure out just how much bigger he is.

Devoted ‘Bigger Luke’ truthers will be happy to hear that their struggle to uncover the truth has finally paid off: Hamill has recently tweeted about the conspiracy, jokingly confirming the existence of a Bigger Luke who also appears in various productions with Hamill. The actor shared a picture explaining the conspiracy, as well as a few comparison shots to really drive the point home.

In his Tweet, Hamill joked about how they managed to get away with it, writing: “It’s hard to believe how long we were able to fool everyone, but to be fair: the only time both of us appeared together at the same time was with Kermit on The Muppet Show.” Then, he also included a picture of himself standing next to, well, himself but an inch or so taller, with Kermit the Frog also on hand for reference. For what it’s worth, The Muppet Show episode in question referred to one of the Hamill’s as the “cousin” of Luke Skywalker.

Whether or not there really is a mysterious ‘Bigger Luke’ or some kind of boring real-world explanation for the height discrepancy, it’s a fun little conspiracy and Hamill is always on board to have some fun with the Star Wars fanbase. Maybe the post will even inspire a new generation of fans to go ‘Luking’ on their own, continuing one of the stranger traditions of the Star Wars universe.

The Star Wars saga is now available on Disney Plus.

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Source: Mark Hamill/Twitter


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