Falling in line with a list of Twitch streamers banned from the platform recently, UK League of Legends streamer Ali ‘Gross Gore’ Larsen has been banned from Twitch. Unlike the mysterious circumstances of former Twitch streamers, this ban comes a few days after a Reddit post gone wrong reignited tons of sexual harassment allegations from his past.
Posting to the r/RoastMe subreddit, a Reddit made for commenters to humorously mock submitters, Larsen wrote “I’m a happy Twitch streamer, roast me.” What followed, among numerous intentional insults, were a few that outright accused the streamer of sexual harassment and assault. Among numerous accusations from commenters in the thread, Larsen decided to delete the post from the subreddit, stating that it was getting out of control. By then the damage was done, as subreddits like r/LivestreamFails and r/meToo spread news of the event and his past actions.
While the streamer has managed to keep a relatively low profile since the incident, it appears that Twitch has decided to take the initiative in light of past controversies of a similar nature by banning Gross Gore entirely. Although it’s unclear why Twitch waited a week or even years since the first allegations to take action, the streamer may be gone for good this time, as he was simultaneously unpartnered minutes before.
Some weren’t at all surprised by the action and celebrated on Twitter, with some even stating that the move was extremely overdue. On the other hand, some fans of the streamer noted that Larsen had done nothing to violate the Twitch Terms of Service and demanded an explanation. Granted, there are some streamers out there that can thoroughly debunk any allegations against them, though, in the case of Larsen, it’s likely a bit harder given his shaky history.
Just as shocked by the move, Larsen took to Twitter to voice his feelings. Apparently, his main concern is on the fact that the action was based on drama from 2015. However, according to some of the allegations on Reddit, some of his controversial actions are as recent as October 2020. With Twitch having updated its guidelines in January, it’s possible that Larsen’s actions, no matter how old some of them were, simply caught up with him.
This situation is far different from past bans that focused on wardrobe mishaps, as the circumstances surrounding it are far more serious. Although Larsen could alternatively choose to return to YouTube, there’s no telling what actions other companies may take to limit exposure to the streamer.

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