Xbox Could Win An Award for Best Use of A Meme | Game Rant

The launch of the Xbox Series X/S in 2020 kicked off a series of successes from Xbox that also saw the rapid expansion of its Xbox Game Pass service. Its most recent accomplishment, while not entirely intentional, further shows how good the company is at adapting to the changing times, especially when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of groundbreaking leaks.

As images and videos of Xbox Series S leaked online, revealing what was supposed to be a surprise reveal later in the year, Xbox sent out a Tweet early the following morning of the “monkey man” meme, personifying its response to the unexpected event. The wordless Tweet alone turned the devastating leak into a viral moment for the company, with which it used to push the full reveal and price five hours later.

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The quick thinking and interaction from the Twitter account made Xbox a contender for a “Best Use Of A Meme” award at The Shorty Awards, a showcase directed at social media and digital engagement. Xbox took the time on The Shorty Awards website to go into detail behind why it chose the particular meme and how the company used it to announce the Xbox Series S.

While the Xbox Series X was known to be releasing to the public, the Xbox Series S was entirely exposed with the Internet getting its hands on the name, design, key features, and even the price far earlier than intended. The company, rather than letting the carefully guarded secret go out into the world uncontrolled, decided to acknowledge the leak directly. With gaming consoles releasing roughly once every seven years, Xbox knew it was quickly losing its moment to shine.

Two hours later, following many approval emails, Xbox decided on something simple and funny, yet honest and true, landing on the uncomfortable monkey puppet that the Internet was already familiar with. In doing so, the company not only acknowledged the leak while confirming that it shouldn’t have happened, but also brought attention back to its social media and turned the conversation in its favor. All of that, not to mention confirming the mere existence of the Xbox Series S, allowed the company to capitalize on the momentum of the leaks.

Although the company is up against the likes of the SpongeBob SquarePants Monolith meme, chances are Xbox fans haven’t forgotten the incredible team behind the social media account. Xbox’s “monkey man” Tweet earned a massive amount of attention and praise due to how perfect and relatable the response was, and even for those who didn’t see it happen live, it’s pretty admirable to see.

MORE: Xbox Series S Could Present ‘Challenges’ for Future Games

Source: The Shorty Awards


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