The Yuletide Festival has come and gone, while the river raids have recently joined Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Now, the game moves on to its next festival and season dubbed “Ostara.” This new content seems to be hit or miss with the fanbase, but there’s one thing that many are likely looking forward to more: the upcoming story DLC for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
The first, Wrath of the Druids, will see Eivor travel to Ireland, and now players know they will get to check out this adventure beginning on April 29. The second, Siege of Paris, is expected to release for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla sometime this summer.
Obviously, the exact contents of Wrath of the Druids is not known, but Ubisoft has released a little blurb for the content. Players will “explore the haunted wilds and beautiful landscapes of Ireland as [they] battle a druidic cult known as the Children of Danu. Conquer ring forts, master the art of smuggling, and gain the favor of Gaelic kings in a new open-world adventure.” Based on this, fans can make some educated guesses alongside the reveal trailer it got.
The Cult, much like the cults that cropped up in AC Odyssey, will serve as the new assassination-style targets for Eivor and clan, while gaining the favor of Gaelic kings will likely be part of the main story. So, unlike game modes that preceded it, fans can likely expect some major story pay-offs as well.

After all, it’s clear that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has emphasized connections to the past games, as many characters from the original games (read AC1-AC3) return, but it also connects new story elements. In many ways, for example, AC Valhalla is both prequel and sequel to AC3. As such, it’ll be interesting to see if this continues over into the DLC, as it would be interesting to see this Ireland-set DLC connect to Shay Patrick Cormac somehow.
Furthermore, while it won’t be directly discussed here, it’ll be interesting to see how and if this DLC connects to the modern-day story. Unless it is the sort of DLC that happened “midway” in the events, which wouldn’t quite make sense here, playing as Eivor post her main campaign could and should have a huge impact on the modern-day.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla‘s Wrath of the Druids DLC releases April 29th on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
Source: IGN
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