Laurence, the First Vicar is one of the most integral characters in Bloodborne. He is the founder of the Healing Church, which means the tragedy of Yharnam can be attributed to him as well. In life, he was a revered scholar and vicar. However, the reason behind his reverence would later become the reason for his downfall.
The player will meet and fight Laurence in the Old Hunter’s DLC. This version of Laurence is now a mindless blazing Cleric Beast. Laurence, the First Vicar is one of the toughest bosses in the game and in the entire Soulsborne series. As a central character in a game like Bloodborne, there are so many things about Laurence that are both interesting and odd.
10 Why Laurence “Betrayed” Master Willem

Laurence was a scholar who studied in Byrgenwerth under the tutelage of Master Willem. Laurence is thought to be one of Master Willem’s closest students, as his departure is seen by Master Willem as a “betrayal” more than anything.
The reason for this is a clash of beliefs. Master Willem believes that the old blood should be feared while Laurence believed they are the key to ascension. Given how Laurence fell, he should have heeded his master’s adage.
9 Laurence Became The First Cleric Beast

When Laurence founded the Healing Church, he did so using the old blood as the rock upon which he built his church. Having studied the old blood, he knew of its healing properties. He showed and distributed the magic blood to the people of Yharnam, and he was instantly revered.
As it happens, the blood was also capable of turning people into horrific beasts. Laurence, who has studied the blood for so long, eventually became the very first Cleric Beast. While many who used the old blood became beasts as well, the clerics of the church transformed into the most hideous ones.
8 Why Laurence Is On Fire

When the player encounters and fights Laurence, the First Vicar in Hunter’s Nightmare, he is engulfed in an unending flame. Though he appears to be suffering because of this, the flame that covers him also makes his attacks more dangerous.
The reason for this seems to be due to how he was killed. When he became the first Cleric Beast, it was already common knowledge in Yharnam that fire was an effective deterrent against beasts. The people and hunters of Yharnam killed Laurence using fire, and now the curse of Hunter’s Nightmare will burn him for eternity.
7 Laurence And Altars

Throughout the game, pieces of Laurence can be found by the players both in the waking world and in Hunter’s Nightmare. Interestingly, all of them are always placed at an altar.
Laurence’s skull in the Grand Cathedral, after the player defeats Vicar Amelia, is situated on an altar. In the nightmare, his skull can be found below the surgery altar right before the Research Hall. Finally, his actual body in Hunter’s Nightmare is at the same place where his skull was found in the Grand Cathedral in the waking world.
6 Laurence And Master Willem’s Real-Life Counterparts

The relationship between Master Willem and Laurence as master and student and their eventual falling out closely resembles the relationship between a philosopher and his student in the real world. It is very possible that their story is inspired by Wilhelm Wundt’s relationship with his student, Oswald Külpe.
Wilhelm Wundt, like Master Willem, had a student who left his tutelage to carve his own path. Wilhelm’s student, Oswald Külpe, eventually started his own laboratory. Wilhelm Wundt also disagreed with his student’s ideologies, similar to how Master Willem and Laurence differed in beliefs.
5 Laurence May Be Inspired By A Burning Saint

Laurence could very well be inspired by Saint Lawrence, one of the seven deacons of Rome in AD 257. After defending his church from the prefect of Rome, he was condemned to death by the Roman Emperor Valerian. According to accounts, Lawrence was burned alive.
Both Laurence, the First Vicar and Saint Lawrence died by fire in service of their respective churches, though the deeds of the latter are more honorable than the former.
4 Laurence Was The One Who Beckoned The Moon Presence

The Hunter’s Dream, despite being seemingly tied to Gehrman, was birthed due to Laurence beckoning the Moon Presence. According to a note located in Yahar’gul, the nameless Moon Presence was beckoned by Laurence and his associates. Gehrman is most likely one of the associates that were with Laurence when the Moon Presence was beckoned.
The reason why Laurence beckoned the Moon Presence, or even if he did it intentionally is unknown.
3 Laurence Is Burned Inside And Out

Laurence’s beast form is by far one of the most terrifying ones in the game. His being engulfed in fire only adds to his intimidating and horrifying factor. If that isn’t enough, it seems like Laurence isn’t just engulfed in flames, but his entire insides have become fire itself as well.
During Laurence’s final phase, his lower body breaks down and explodes. The player is left fighting Laurence’s upper body. Whenever he moves, a trail of lava follows him. This lava bleeds out of Laurence’s open wound, which means he is on fire inside and out.
2 Laurence’s Original Soundtrack

Laurence, the First Vicar, like all the other bosses in the game, has his own original soundtrack. Like Laurence, his theme music is very imposing. It sounds very threatening, grand, epic, and grim. The music in Bloodborne has lyrics written in Latin. Transposing them to English will reveal a story that mirrors that of the boss the music is for.
The lyrics of Laurence’s original soundtrack highlight the holy blood, how it should be spread, yet also feared, mirroring Laurence’s relationship with the old blood.
1 Laurence’s Skull

Upon entering the Grand Cathedral in Hunter’s Nightmare, the players may be taken aback by the presence of an unconscious Cleric Beast that’s on fire. If it’s the player’s first time, the identity of this Cleric Beast is still unknown to them. Once the player returns to the Grand Cathedral with Laurence’s Skull in hand, this will then initiate the boss fight.
According to the description of Laurence’s Skull, it is a symbol of Laurence’s past, and ultimately, his failures. He is destined to seek out his skull, which is why he reaches out to the player during the opening cutscene.

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