Elden Ring-Dark Souls Comparisons May Just Be Beginning

It took a while, but Elden Ring finally feels real again. The recent trailer leak filled fans with the hope that they would see FromSoftware’s next action-RPG at some point in the near future. Whether the leak was from a recent build or not isn’t clear, but it still gives a good look at what FromSoftware’s intent for the game is: a bigger Dark Souls. The addition of horseback riding and multiple massive fields are not to be ignored, but it’s looking like Elden Ring intends to give fans more Souls.

It’s in From Software’s best interest to appeal to fan interest right now, because fans have been starving for another big Souls release. The recent PS5 Demon’s Souls remake placated some, but because DeS is Dark Souls’ predecessor re-released on hardware that not everyone is able to buy right now, it didn’t give a lot of fans the satisfaction they were looking for. If Elden Ring continues along its projected trajectory, it should be everything Souls fans want and more. Of course, before that arrives, there is going to be a lot of comparisons between the two.

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Looking at the leaked trailer, Elden Ring’s Souls DNA is already apparent. The scene of a wizard rolling away from a dragon’s fiery breath and casting a spell that uses Homing Soul Arrow’s animation is just the tip of the iceberg. Armor sets bear resemblance to builds seen throughout Dark Souls, those being blue knights, silvery armored knights, and wizards with large, matching hats. Enemies shown are new, but they definitely strike the same horror fantasy cord as previous monsters and large humanoids featured in From Software’s games.

Even the animations themselves are borrowed from previous Souls titles. The sight of a knight slowly opening a giant door or ramming a sword through an enemy’s back is intimately familiar to every Souls fan, and with that, it seems like a safe bet that many other standard animations and mechanics repeated in From Software’s recent games are likely to show up. A torch and some light platforming returns as well, though the platforming looks smooth in a way that harkens more to Sekiro than the usual Souls fare. Regardless, Elden Ring looks like it will be mechanically similar to Dark Souls.

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There is a good chance that’s not the end of it. One could confidently bet on some type of bonfire checkpoint-equivalent making an appearance. Those bonfires could return to the functionality of those in Dark Souls 1, where every bonfire could become a pit stop with the use of certain items. Weapon upgrades, weapon repairs, levelling, upgrading the Estus Flask’s capacity (though not its strength), and even fast travel after the Lordvessel was obtained were possible from every bonfire. Now that Elden Ring is adopting an “open field” approach, these miniature hubs and fast travel points would have reason to function as such again.

Much of the other expected similarities include various other details that have been in all of FromSoftware’s recent games. Item descriptions are a guarantee, and it will be interesting to see what sort of influence George R. R. Martin has on the lore. Online multiplayer will be present in Elden Ring to some extent, whether that just be phantasmal recordings appearing from bloodstains like in every Souls game and Sekiro, or whether the old Souls invader/cooperator multiplayer will return once more. Presumably, invaders will either be barred from invading in fields, or they will always spawn on horseback in the same general area. Regardless, it will be interesting to see how FromSoftware tweaks its standard fare for Elden Ring’s unique world.

However, Elden Ring won’t just be another Dark Souls. Already, the open field areas present a radically different approach to encounter and level design, with combat potentially taking place in areas with no real boundaries. Players can ride on horseback through these areas, and fight enemies who can presumably give chase on their own horses should they choose to flee. The simple act of changing how the game is laid out, and adding more space to the transitional areas between high points in the story and gameplay, will give Elden Ring a feel that no other FromSoftware title to date shares.

There is also the matter of new movement mechanics. Horses from the trailer have already been discussed, but it appears that Elden Ring may be taking some inspiration from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Sneaking is present in the trailer, something that is found in the barest sense in Dark Souls with backstabs. It may be that backstabs while stealthed are now instant kills like in Sekiro.

In addition, the jump shown in the leaked footage looks much smoother than those in the average Souls game, with the player character casually hopping a gap without much mind to their speed. While jumping has always been present, there may finally be a dedicated button for it like in Sekiro. Finally, all of these Sekiro comparisons help draw the conclusion that limited swimming may be present in Elden Ring, at least letting players cross the surface of bodies of water. It would be difficult to justify the upgraded diving present in Sekiro while a player character is wearing full plate mail.

As more information is released for Elden Ring, these Dark Souls comparisons will become either more prominent or less, depending on how it’s shown. Still, it seems likely that Elden Ring owes much to its predecessors, so a fairly high bar of quality can be expected. Much of what made FromSoftware’s modern titles memorable, including their action gameplay, stunning art design, and compelling stories, should be intact. Fans will likely get the chance to finally see what’s going on with Elden Ring when it has its next major press conference showing, possibly at Bandai Namco’s own rumored digital presentation.

Elden Ring is in development for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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