Gaming Filmmaker Stephen Ford’s Ambitions for Ascender

Stephen Ford jokes that he was raised by video games and movies, which is a sentiment that many doubtlessly share. But however relatable it may be, relatively few people pursue their gaming passions professionally, and fewer still chase them as doggedly as Ford. An actor from childhood (turned director, turned producer, etc.), Ford has launched a Kickstarter to fund production for his YouTube Channel, Ascender. The channel specializes in short, live-action films based on popular game franchises, and other content that will likely appeal to gamers.

The impetus for Ascender was Ford’s desire to create compelling game-related content that has thus far eluded Hollywood. That is not to say Ford is a Hollywood naysayer. He has high hopes for the upcoming slate of video game blockbusters, including Mortal KombatBorderlands, and the Tom Holland-led Uncharted adaptation (Ford’s favorite franchise). “Hopefully they’ve cracked the code, and this discourse will be outdated very soon,” Ford said, echoing sentiments from every creative who has worked with games on screens big or small.

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As for what makes Ascender’s content unique, Ford has a fascinating philosophy and mental model regarding video game narratives and adaptations. His mixed experience as an actor and gamer provides insights that are often lost between the cracks in big budget productions, and above all, his endeavors are fueled almost entirely by passion.

When asked where he sees Ascender fitting into today’s varied entertainment offerings of YouTubers, streamers, and streaming services, Ford’s response was humble:

Eventually, we want to create highly entertaining escapism with small budgets but high concept, like Blumhouse but for action, sci-fi, and gaming adaptions. But honestly for now, we just want to make some fun content while honing our skills as creators. It’s not about views or making a viral hit, it’s about creating high quality cinematic content for people who will enjoy it, if only to prove that we can be just as awesome as the big guys.

In an industry landscape that is obsessed with properties’ viral potential and franchise aspirations, seeing creatives produce art for the sake of producing art is inspiring. Too often, creators silence themselves for fear of harsh judgment and failure. As an entertainment veteran, Ford has realized that the only way to improve is to practice what one aspires to be great at. And in terms of performance, that practice must be presented to an audience.

Even though the ultimate goal is fun, Ascender isn’t a lark or hobby for Ford. When it comes to entertaining, he is playing to win, and filming high-quality, cinematic content doesn’t come cheap, which is why he turned to Kickstarter.

Ascender has an ambitious slate of projects lined up for 2021. When asked how he would be prioritizing the funds raised in the Kickstarter, Ford had this to say:

We’re just pumped to have any kind of budget to create these video game short films that we just would not be able to make without the Kickstarter. Right now I’m sitting with dyes on my hands and paint on my clothes as I attempt to create authentic looking samurai armor for our Ghost of Tsushima short all while spending hour researching locations, tracking down VFX artists and trying to find deals on some camera gear we need to create some shots. 

Ascender has it’s sights set on (at least) three high profile franchises this year, including Hideo Kojima’s mind-bending Death Stranding and the sci-fi military classic, Halo 3: ODSTas well as last year’s smash hit, Ghost of Tsushima. As fans of these titles know, each game has very different production demands, narrative styles, and that will doubtlessly translate to unique challenges for Ford and the Ascender crew. As a result, Ford and his crew have become accustomed to wearing many hats.

If Ford could pass on one piece of advice to his fellow creatives and younger, aspiring filmmakers, it is this: “Don’t wait for other people to give you opportunities that you won’t work for yourself.” While there is no quality barrier between the sort of content Hollywood can produce, and what hard-working, independent filmmakers can achieve, it is not an endeavor to be taken lightly, and nothing can be taken for granted.

Competition for free-time and attention spans are fiercer than ever, and creatives who believe themselves entitled to success are not only doomed for failure, but a systemic problem in the entertainment industry. Again, though, Ford’s outlook is positive and hopeful. He believes there is a beauty in being a creative in the current era, where the only rate limiters are a person’s drive and imagination.

The Ascender Kickstarter is currently active now

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