One of the easiest ways in Genshin Impact to maximize party member’s DPS output is through the talent ascension system. In Genshin Impact each character that players obtain has a normal attack, elemental skill, and elemental burst. While in most RPGs characters’ ability strength naturally scales according to the character’s level and gear, in Genshin Impact each ability must be upgraded individually via Talent Ascension materials. This guide will outline how and where players can obtain the Freedom set of Talent Ascension materials.
The Freedom set of Talent Ascension materials consists of Teachings of Freedom, Guide to Freedom, and Philosophies of Freedom. Teachings of Freedom are the lowest rank of the set, with Guide to Freedom serving as the mid-tier, and Philosophies of Freedom serving as the maximum tier. It is important to note that there are multiple talent ascension material sets in the game and the Freedom set is used only to level up the talents of; Amber, Barbara, Diona, Klee, Sucrose, Tartaglia, and the Traveller.
The primary method for players to obtain this talent ascension material is via the Frosted Altar mastery domain. Unfortunately, unlike the artifact set domains in Genshin Impact, players are only able to farm the Freedom Talent Ascension materials from the domain on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

Depending on the player’s adventure rank, they will be able to increase the difficulty on the domain which results in increased talent ascension rewards. While players will only be able to obtain Teachings of Freedom from the domain’s lower levels, as their adventure rank increases they will be able to increase the difficulty of the domain which will result in guaranteed Guide to Freedom and even Philosophies of Freedom drops.

An additional way for players to obtain the ascension material they require is through the alchemy crafting station in either Mondstadt or Liyue. There, players can craft one Guide to Freedom in exchange for three Teachings of Freedom, or one Philosophies of Freedom for three Guide to Freedoms.
Players can also obtain a variety of talent ascension materials from most in-game events. During events like the Lantern Rite Festival or the current Windblume Festival, players accumulate festival currency that can be used to trade with a festival shop vendor in exchange for Talent Ascension materials.

Players can also obtain several talent ascension materials by purchasing the in-game battle pass. After every 5 levels unlocked in the battle pass, players will be able to select from a group of talent materials, and after selecting what material they require, will obtain 5 of that material.
Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, and PS4, with PS5 and Switch versions in development.

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