How Norman Reedus’ Sam Would Have Changed Before Death Stranding 2

To this day, Death Stranding remains divisive, with players either loving the game’s unique Strand gameplay or despising it for its slowness and lack of overall action. However, most that have played the game agree that it has a strong story with an excellent cast of characters, and that includes the protagonist Sam. While much of his backstory is told through collectibles and late game reveals, it is a powerful tale, and Norman Reedus does a fine job portraying the damaged character.

While it remains to be seen if Death Stranding will ever get a sequel, it is hard to deny that a follow-up would see the current cast of characters changed in major ways. From Lockne’s new role as a shared vessel that incorporates her sister Mama to Die-Hardman’s important position as President of The United States, there would be some significant changes to see if Hideo Kojima returned to the IP. Of all the characters, though, Sam Porter Bridges would likely be the most different of all.

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Death Stranding’s final scenes with Cliff are undoubtedly its greatest triumph, with the brilliant cinematics likely playing a major role in actor Mads Mikkelson obtaining the best performance award at The Game Awards. In these scenes, Sam learns who his father was before having him taken away forever, something that sees him losing yet another important person in his life. With Amelie and his wife also dead, Sam has nobody to care for apart from Louise, the BB that he had carried with him across the entire game. While the story was ultimately about reconnecting America and building bridges between people, many of Sam’s connections were severed — something that could certainly result in him being more distant.

This shows clearly in his final talk with Die-Hardman, with Sam leaving the America that he helped build behind. While he has bonds with Fragile and Deadman, his disdain for the President would likely see him cut off from any Bridges help or resources in a sequel. As such, Sam would be entirely on his own — apart from Louise, that is. With a baby to care for and a new role as a father, players could expect Sam to be searching for a proper home where his BB could be raised and the pair could be safe. Functioning as both a solid motivation for Sam’s character and the basis for a very different kind of Death Stranding game, this would be a fun story to see told.

While Sam would likely want nothing to do with Bridges or the new America, as he would surely be content to go it alone and provide for himself, he will likely be a great father to Louise. While he may be distant when interacting with anyone else, players can expect him to be more open and caring with his BB, giving off a similar vibe to what is seen in God of War with Kratos and Atreus. Much like the original game saw players whistling to the baby, rocking it, and entertaining it, the sequel would likely see these concepts expanded on further. No matter where Death Stranding 2 is set, a sequel would undoubtedly see Sam’s relationship with his adoptive daughter being the focus.

While the story of Death Stranding 2 would surely be primarily focused on Sam helping Louise grow and survive, she could help Sam in a big way as well. As shown when Sam hugs her to his face in the game’s ending and holds her hand in the post credits scene, Louise could help greatly with Sam’s aphenphosmphobia. A disorder where Sam is afraid to touch other people, the sequel could see this character flaw fading away even further. After all, with Sam able to touch Louise without issue, he should have less struggles interacting with the world around him. This could open him up to another romantic relationship as well, either with Fragile or a new character.

A Death Stranding sequel would be interesting for many reasons, and seeing a new take on Sam would be one of them. More distant than ever when it comes to the concept of Bridges and America, but also open and loving when caring for Louise, a natural evolution of the character would be seen. Possibly over his aphenphosmphobia, but keeping his other Norman Reedus-inspired personality traits, Sam could become even more likable than he already was.

Death Stranding is available now on PC and PS4.

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