It’s coming up on three years since the launch of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, but the game is still getting regular support from Nintendo. This includes new DLC fighters that have been added to the game’s roster on a regular basis, bringing with them new stages, Mii costumes, and more for fans to expand their Super Smash Bros. Ultimate experience. There are still two Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC characters that have yet to be revealed for the second Fighters Pass, and one leaker has made a rather unbelievable claim about who they will be.
Twitter user Archer has made the claim that the next DLC fighters for the crossover fighting game are none other than Dante from Devil May Cry and, shockingly, Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2. While Dante has been rumored for Super Smash Bros. in the past, Arthur Morgan would be a completely out-of-left-field choice and seems highly unlikely.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is not available on the Nintendo Switch, and in fact, there are very little Rockstar Games that have ever been replaced on Nintendo’s platforms. There are some exceptions, like the acclaimed Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the Nintendo DS, but generally speaking, Rockstar has stuck to releasing its games on PlayStation and Xbox. This makes the likelihood of Arthur Morgan being a DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate basically nonexistent, but that hasn’t stopped the tweet from gaining some traction online.
The reason why some people are taking Archer’s tweet seriously is because the account appears to have accurately leaked Super Smash Bros. Ultimate news in the past. There are tweets that show the account predicting Sephiroth as a DLC character prior to the announcement, as well as Monster Hunter Mii costumes before they were revealed as well. However, some Twitter users have accused Archer of using the “Twitter trick,” which essentially amounts to making a bunch of guesses and then deleting the inaccurate ones. This gives the illusion that the person in question has insider information and makes people more likely to believe their later claims.
If Arthur Morgan is coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, though, one possibility could be due to the leaked Nintendo Switch Pro console. Unlike this claim about the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC characters, the Nintendo Switch Pro has been leaked by credible sources, and its reveal is a matter of “when” and not “if.” The Nintendo Switch Pro could have exclusive games that aren’t possible to run on the original Switch, and maybe Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of those exclusive games.
Even so, this claim seems very hard to believe, and fans should know within a few months if they should bother taking this seriously at all. If the next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighter isn’t Dante or Arthur Morgan, then fans can completely dismiss these claims. But if Dante is revealed as the next DLC fighter, then it would be a lot easier to believe that Arthur Morgan is next up, as unlikely as it may seem.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is out now, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

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