For the most part, there aren’t many good side quests in Bravely Default 2. They mostly boil down to a random NPC asking the party to find something and deliver it back. There is rarely story involved and the rewards can also be very odd ranging from worthless to just okay.
That said, there are a few cases where there is actually some good stories associated usually linking to the core party members in some way. These rewards are also far more worthy of one’s time investment. Where are they, how should they be completed, and what are the rewards? Let’s go through the best out there one wouldn’t want to miss.
10 The Big Brush-Off

While this quest doesn’t have any great rewards, it does contain one of the funniest moments in the game and can be started after chapter three. It starts off with Adelle and Gloria deciding they want to do a painting contest in the Rimedhal Inn. So, players must then collect the right pigments in order for them to paint. The two girls choose Seth as the inspiration and let’s just say one artist is better than the other.
9 In Dreams

This side quest is in the same frigid region of Rimedhal although it is in the neighboring town of Enderno. Traveling to the center house will find players meeting Glenn who is at odds trying to cure his brother. Eventually this leads to the party jumping into his dreams where they fight an evil version of Glenn. Completing this quest will net players the Salve-Maker Job which is one of this game’s best qualities.
8 Taking A Gamble

This side quest will lead players into unearthing the Gambler Job. This can be done after finishing Chapter One and then traveling back to the Savalon Casino. Inside players will meet Shirley who teaches Seth and the others about the B ’n’ D card game.
Play a few rounds of this mini game with the casino players and then challenge her. It’s not the best offensive class in the game but its Passive Abilities do help one earn more money, which is nice.
7 Human’s Best Friend

There are three parts to this side quest in the game. The first two encounters with Truff, the pig monster, are mandatory. After the second encounter, the third then is optional. Go to the Enderno region, the same place as the Salve-Maker quest, and chances are players will meet Truff on the way. This basically all leads to him being reunited with the human that saved his life. The physical rewards are okay but the real treasure is the story itself.
6 Let Your Light Shine

This quest can be taken on after Adam’s airship crashes. There’s an old man close to the Inn in Holograd that wants heroes to take on an evil monster inside Magma Mountain, which is close to the city. This place is a full-fledged optional dungeon with new monsters and plenty of treasure inside. Plus the quest monster is a tough boss to boot. It feels like a nod to the first Final Fantasy.
5 A Time To Forgive

This quest can be taken on in Chapter Four when Holograd starts to invade Halcyonia, Savalon, and Wiswald all at once. When leaving town, Rimedhal, to begin this next chapter, Seth and the gang can run into Galahad.
He came here to see his sister Gladys which is a shock in and of itself. The quest doesn’t have a big reward other than some more backstory on these two characters but it’s still a bittersweet story most should not miss.
4 The Price Of Defeat

This one answers the question as to what happened to Lonsdale after his boss battle. Players can encounter him in the last stretch of the game in Rimedhal. Players can then follow him to Halcyonia where he pleads with King Vernon to take his life as atonement for his crimes. Without giving too much away, there isn’t much challenge to this quest in nor does it dish out a great reward, but the story is still worth it.
3 The Sound Of The Sea

This quest is also toward the end of the game and can also be found in Halcyonia. The basic premise is that Gloria is waiting at the Inn and wants to take a walk on the beach with Seth. It’s another one of those quests with little challenge and little reward other than to help flesh out the main characters. It’s a good side story though and shows that these two are growing intimately closer without beating players over the head with it.
2 Memory Loss

This boss-related quest can be found in the Holograd region. This re-skinned Cyclops has a huge HP count of almost 400,000. Not only that but its buddies have around 30,000 apiece. They are weak to bows and holy magic while the main baddie is weak to lightning, holy, and axes. As this is late in the game, it still shouldn’t be too hard. The rewards are amazing too as the Ribbon protects against a plethora of stats and the Giant JP Orb is just a great item for leveling up Jobs quickly.
1 Like Teacher, Like Student

This quest can be encountered later in the game in Wiswald. It has Elvis asking Seth to help investigate Lady Emma’s lab for more clues on Asterisks and the book he found. Through a series of excerpts and flashbacks, more of her past along with Elvis’ will be revealed. This continues for another quest so this is more of a stepping stone for bigger details to emerge.

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