The Thorny Dragon is one of the best dinosaurs to tame in Ark. The creatures can essentially do everything gamers need on any map. However, the slippery sand creatures are not easy to catch, especially for players that are on a new server.
Despite the difficulty, Thorny Dragons can be tamed early in the game. The dinos are amazing assets for players that need to accumulate a lot of wood in a short period of time. While they do not have the health and capacity of a Mammoth, players will benefit from taming the sand creatures. Hopefully, the Thorny Dragon will be one of the dinosaurs included in Ark 2.

Ark gamers should use either the longneck or crossbow to tame the animal. While upgraded longnecks and crossbows are preferred, players can use a primitive crossbow to catch a Thorny Dragon. Primitive crossbows are easy to build, requiring only a few materials to craft. Before setting out to tame the creature, gamers should have some narcotics to ensure survival. On Scorched Earth, Thorny Dragons can be found near the bases or in any area that has sand. They can also be spotted at the bases of rock formations on Scorched Earth.

Thorny Dragons’ main defense mechanism is to shoot thorns out of their tails. Once the creature is spotted, gamers should prop themselves on a rock before engaging. By getting high ground, the Thorny Dragon will not be able to use its close-range attack, and players will have a much easier time taming the animal. The animal will continue to shoot spines, and players need to dodge them when necessary. As the Thorny Dragon gets closer, it will get pinned against the high surface players are standing on. Low-level Thorny Dragons do not have a lot of health, so players should be careful when firing more than a few tranquilizer darts into the animal.

Once the Thorny Dragon has passed out from the tranquilizer darts, players need to get prime meat to complete the taming process. Unlike most animals, the Thorny Dragon can be starved out to improve the time it takes to finish taming the animal. After waiting a few minutes, players can transfer the prime meat into the creature’s inventory and wait.
On Scorched Earth, Players should always include an equal amount of regular meat when feeding their animals. After a short waiting period, the creature will be tamed. Next, gamers should store the Dragon in a cryo orb and craft a saddle for it.

Despite what some in the community may think, the Thorny Dragon has a lot of utility in Arc. The creature can take a decent amount of damage at higher levels. Red Thorny Dragons are even more powerful, and can actually be used in battle. Gamers that are fortunate will be able to find a high-level dino with good health and stamina. Ark players that are struggling to find a tamable Dragon can breed two ordinary imprinted dragons to create a battle Dragon.

Thorny Dragons are incredibly adept at gathering materials, which is one of the most important aspects of Ark gameplay. Wood and stone are given a 50% weight reduction while being carried by the Dragon. The gathering dino also has an 80% weight reduction for fiber and thatch, which is an incredible benefit. Gamers can carry at least two times the materials when using the animal as a mount. Similarly, the dino will gather more wood than most mounts when taking down trees. Players should have at least a couple of Dragons tamed. One of the Dragons can be upgraded to be an offensive mount, and the other can be utilized to gather materials. It is also a good strategy to have a handful of Dragons when collecting a large number of materials. Thorny Dragons make Ark a much more convenient game and they will help players build and craft faster.

The creature is relatively fast when saddled and can be used as a ground mount. Players that are able to get a good imprint and upgrade the animal will have one of the most versatile mounts in the game. The Dragon’s saddle also acts as a smithing station for players that are not near their base. Survivors will no longer have to travel across the map to craft simple items. Gamers will also have the ability to fire their weapons on the back of the creature, which is a game-changer in PVP.
While mounted on the Thorny Dragon, players can use its melee ability to knock down creatures. With some persistence and patience, gamers can even knock down a Rex with the creature. It probably would not be advisable for the player to attempt taking down a rex, but it is possible. Overall, the Thorny Dragon is a jack of all trades that can help players with multiple facets of the game.

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