Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 – How to Beat the Dark Lord Boss

Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 continues the journey into hell and beyond with the Doom Slayer in this newest DLC that recently dropped. With the invasion of Earth thwarted by the human resistance led by ARC, there’s a new threat looming. The Slayer ventures deeper into the pits of hell to face his ultimate confrontation known as the “Dark Lord” as he preps for war on Earth. Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 will take players to new areas, face new enemies and wrap up the epic story of the Doom Slayer.

The enemies that lurk within the Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 campaign are nothing to slouch at. Newer incarnations of enemies such as imps, cyber demons, and hell knights are stomping around and players will need heftier firearms to tear through them. Once players make it to Immora, they will be getting near to the end of their journey. The final fight will be against the Dark Lord himself and he can be a grind to take down. Not only does he come with a fire shield, but he’ll also counter everything players throw at him.

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The Dark Lord comes with the same attack techniques as the Marauders and can be considered an enhanced version of the controversial enemy type. On top of that, the Dark Lord also borrows heavily from the Doom Slayer in the sense that he can heal himself after attacking. So, don’t just attack him head-on because he’ll block everything that comes his way. Stun him first and then chip away on his life bar while keeping in mind that his attacks differ depending on the player’s position. Staying far away will force him to shoot projectiles and getting too close will cause him to use melee so the trick is staying about mid-range from him.

When players do this, this will cause the Dark Lord to “glow green” for a brief moment. This is a tell for an upcoming attack, preferably with the Super Shotgun and a good alternative would be the Ballista. It’s important to master the technique of “quick switching” because it’ll save the nuisance of manually having to do it while also not throwing the frames off. If players have a fully upgraded Sentinal Hammer, use it to stun the Dark Lord instead of using the Super Shotgun. He’ll be in a daze a little longer and he’ll be wide open for extra damage. Using the BFG and Unmakyr will be tempting, but they do little in this battle so it’s best to avoid them completely.

The basic flow involves using the shotgun to stun, quick switching to the hammer for extra damage, and then rinsing and repeating. When the dogs and Hell Knights are summoned, take them out first with Glory Kills because they’ll recharge the hammer while grenades and shotguns work wonders against these minions as well. Every once and a while, the Dark Lord won’t “glow green” and instead he’ll swipe with this sword once or twice. Just leap back and avoid it completely. Once players reach the second phase of this fight, the Dark Lord will start switching up attacks.

The most used attack by him will be the “Shield Bash.” Look for his shield to glow for a second, which is another tell that he’s about to charge. Strafe to the side to avoid him and don’t just leap back, because he’ll still collide and damage the player. On top of that, he’ll also start lobbing grenades around the arena. Jump out of their way and look for indicators. Toward the end of the fight, the Dark Lord will start summoning the spirits of large demons. Be patient and take them out one by one and try and ignore the Dark Lord. Glory Kill the zombies for a quick recharge if needed. Once everyone is gone focus on the Dark Lord and keep using this pattern to finish Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2.

Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 is available on Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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