Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 936 – 960 Explained: Lauriam’s Dream

Lauriam’s been knocked unconscious following a fight with Maleficent. He attempted to stop the witch from using one of the lifeboats to escape the Data World but failed. Now his subconscious is returning him to a time when Strelitzia was still around, and he was happier because of it. The dream plays out one memory of his in particular, one where Strelitzia made him a promise that he hoped to see fulfilled one day.

The primary events of Kingdom Hearts Union Cross quests 936 through 960 show off the kind of relationship Lauriam and Strelitzia had. While Union Cross has established the duo as brother and sister, it never gave them the shared screen time necessary to show how they interacted as siblings — until now. This writing recaps and interprets these events to better explain the Kingdom Hearts Union Cross story, so there will be spoilers ahead.

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Strelitzia found Lauriam at his favorite relaxing spot in a meadow overlooking Daybreak Town to ask if he wanted to collect their respective shares of Lux together, and after learning that he’s already gathered his, she wants his help now more than ever. She usually spends all day getting bullied by Heartless, so the fact that he managed to defeat what he needed before noon even arrived amazes her. She can’t imagine herself doing something like that.

However, while Lauriam appreciates the sentiment, he refuses. Strelitzia knows as well as he does that her magic is stronger than his, so if she just stayed calm and focused, she’d finish gathering light even faster than him. On top of that, she’ll never reach his level if she constantly relies on him, and he wants her to be strong enough to protect and carry him through missions one day. When she can pull that off, he’ll join her whenever. She may think such a thing is impossible, but he believes.

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Changing the subject, Lauriam learns that Strelitzia doesn’t want to join the Dandelions because she’s interested in someone. She also just likes the Party she’s with, but more important to Lauriam is hearing how there’s someone she wants to get to know and how she thinks she might miss her opportunity to do so if they’re not a part of the Dandelions with her. Of course, Lauriam teases her over having a crush, but he also gives her guidance on it, advising her to handle the situation the same way he told her to handle Heartless: be brave, calm, and focused.

Lauriam also uses the situation as another opportunity to get Strelitzia to generally be more self-confident, and this time he succeeds, although at first, she thinks he’s just talking her up. She doesn’t completely believe him when he claims she brightens everyone’s lives, including his and potentially her crush’s, the Union Cross protagonist. She even tries to use his admiration to again try to get him to gather Lux with her. However, when he refuses once more but promises to be there for her when she actually needs him, she takes it to heart and, in return, makes her own promise to become stronger than him, just like he requested.

Hearing this promise makes Lauriam happy, but from here, the dream spirals into a nightmare by mimicking his reality where Strelitzia has disappeared. A gust of wind takes Lauriam’s attention away from her for a second, and then she’s just gone. She reappears for a moment after Lauriam conducts a frantic search of the meadow, but she’s different from before. She’s dressed in an inverted Black Coat instead of her usual attire. Strelitzia tries to communicate something to Lauriam but fails, instead bizarrely floating into the sky, where the dream ends with a flash of light.

Now awake again in the damaged lab, Lauriam picks himself up and drags his injured body back to the security door, contemplating. He first notes Maleficent’s escape, and then he reflects on his situation with Strelitzia. It’s becoming harder for him to push down the gut-feeling that she isn’t just missing but dead and that he failed to keep up his end of their promises by not helping her when she really needed it.


Maleficent is irritated that she’s still in the past despite having made it to the real world. While Darkness told her that the Data Daybreak Town lifeboat wouldn’t take her through time, it didn’t exactly explain why, so it corrects that. The simple answer: the lifeboats don’t work that way. Their original designs only allow them to take people from world to world. Doing that while also breaking the time barrier is beyond their power. However, now that Maleficent’s in the real world, all she has to do is take the currently open lifeboat on the far right to return to her time.

Appeased, Maleficent asks and learns that Darkness will not be joining her on her trip. She reasoned that it would since it plans on using her to get to the future anyway and because it should be able to fit in the vessel with her on account of lacking a body, but Darkness still has business to take care of in the current time. It knows Maleficent will be fine alone on her journey back, and it will join her when it’s handled what it needs to handle.

Skuld has placed Ventus in his room to sleep following the blackout he experienced from a flood of repressed memories, and while she’s returned to the Foreteller’s Chambers to report this to Ephemer and Brain, she can’t relay what exactly he saw, only that it must have been bad. However, from what they do know of the situation, she’s hoping that Brain can piece together what’s going on. More so, though, she just wants him to tell her that what they suspect happened to Strelitzia isn’t Ven’s fault.

While Brain, of course, can’t exactly say what happened in the warehouse, he and Ephemer are fairly positive that Ven had nothing to do with Strelitzia’s death. He’s certain Ven was there during Strelitzia’s final moments, but he really believes that Darkness was the one that struck her down, not Ven. If this is the case, though, then the entity is more imminent a threat than they initially realized.

Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is available on IOS and Android.

MORE: Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 920 – 925 Explained: The ‘Replacement’ Leader


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