When it was released in 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2‘s world was beyond compare. It was massive, full of detail, and pulled in millions of players wanting to hear Arthur Morgan’s story. While the game was mired in controversy thanks to Rockstar’s culture of crunch, with many questioning if it is worth the sacrifices that employees are forced to make when crunching, years on, players are still finding things in game that very few (if any) have discovered.
Video games have tried to one-up each other with bigger and more epic game worlds for years now. There are countless articles that compare map size of open world games, and debate about the best open world games rages on. One of the most important things in the design of a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 is what kind of details should be included in the game to make it more immersive. Fans are still discovering new things in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a game that features tons of minute details that make the world feel alive. Red Dead Redemption 2 is certainly a game that does the same.
The interesting little quirk a player came across recently is that Red Dead 2 protagonist Arthur actually sings quietly to himself when riding a horse. A player discovered this neat little detail about Arthur which might not always be picked up other players if in-game music is too high, or the player isn’t using headphones. Arthur will sing softly as he rides, but if he is drunk while riding, might vocalize a bit better.
Considering this game is set on the American frontier and features cowboys and outlaws riding horses from Saint Denis to Armadillo and back again, one would think that someone would have picked up on Arthur’s penchant for singing while on horseback. Something that has been in the game all this time, and discovered by so few shows how massive this game is, and how much detail went into making it. Perhaps too many people are busy taking in-game photographs in Red Dead 2 to notice other details.
A well-designed open world game reveals itself to players over time like this. It requires multiple playthroughs, or a meticulous scouring of world to uncover everything. Only recently did a player make the connection between a real life set of falls in Kentucky with Red Dead 2‘s Cumberland Falls. Now more than two years on, and folks are still finding new things in the game, it is likely that two years from now new discoveries will be made.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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