There are many resources in Warframe for players to grind for and obtain, but none more valuable than the Legendary Core. These golden orbs are highly sought after by the player base and one of the hardest materials to obtain.
For players who have a few lying around or would like to gain a few, there are a few things to keep in mind. To get the most out of these highly coveted items here’s everything you need to know about Legendary Cores.

Legendary Cores are used to maximize any mod in the game without having to spend any Endo or Credits. All regular mods and Primed mods will be maxed out at Rank 10. All the player needs to do is select the Legendary Core while in the upgrading mod screen and it’ll be consumed to max out its rank.

Because of this it’s best to use Legendary Cores exclusively on Primed Mods that are currently Ranked 0. This is because Primed Mods costs more than any other mod type in the game to reach the max rank. By using a Legendary Core on a Primed Mod players are getting the most bang for their buck.
To give some perspective on the cost difference and why you should be using them on Primed Mods here’s a general overview of how much it costs to max out each mod type;
Common Mod:
- Endo – 10,230
- Credits – 494,109
- Endo – 20,460
- Credits – 988,218
- Endo – 30,690
- Credits – 1,482,327
- Endo – 40,920
- Credits – 1,976,436
Using a Legendary Core on a Primed Mod would make the object worth more than 40 thousand Endo and 1.9 million credits. As opposed to 10 thousand Endo and almost 500 thousand Credits when used on a Common Mod.

Getting Legendary Cores is no easy task. They’re often given to players as compensation for controversial updates to the game or as a reward by Digital Extremes for specific events. Apart from these two highly random and unlikely scenarios, there are two consistent ways for players to obtain Legendary Cores.
The first is to earn one as a reward for completing a full set of Sortie daily missions. Unfortunately, the odds of this occurring is about .18% making it a very unreliable and very rare method of obtaining legendary cores.
The only other way is to obtain them via trading with other players. This is very unlikely given the extreme rarity and usefulness of Legendary cores. The other issue is that there is an automatic one million credit trade tax on the item and that’s in addition to the 10% hub tax, possible Clan Dojo tax, and the cost of the item itself. Unless players are willing to trade one for a value equal to about 800 thousand Credits it’s simply not worth it Credit-wise and the player is better off spending their Credits on ranking the Mod up manually.
Realistically the player will only ever see one or two come their way. The key is to keep grinding Sortie missions, participate in events, and only use them on Rank 0 Primed Mods the player is confident they’ll use long-term.

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