10 Things Only Die-Hard DOTA Fans Will Notice In Netflix’s Dragon’s Blood Trailer

The cavernous lore of the DOTA franchise has been relentlessly expanding for over 19 years. In fact, many content creators are working full-time trying to unravel the lore behind this title. It is thus only fair that the trailer for the Netflix Anime DOTA: Dragon’s Blood is lined with Easter eggs only hardcore fans of DOTA can spot.

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From the abilities of playable heroes to game-staple items to new locations and characters only ever read about in textual lore, the trailer is jam-packed with candies for the long-time fan to collect. As a disclaimer, a lot of the following content is speculative in nature and also contains possible spoilers for the series.

10 The Mad Moon sings its Mad Song

The creators behind Dragon’s Blood have been thorough in their research while setting up the universe for the anime. And fans can notice this in small details like the two moons. The bright and smaller moon in the front is the true form of Selemene, the goddess of the moon-order to which Mirana and Luna belong.

But the darker, shattered moon in the background – also known as the “Mad Moon” – is actually the place where the two ever-warring sentient beings known as the Ancients in DOTA were originally imprisoned. These are the same titular Ancients (Radiant and Dire) whose “Mad Song” forces heroes to fight and ultimately destroy the other Ancient.

9 [ALLIES] Davion: TP Scoll (2 charges) > Ready

Any DOTA2 player can give a lecture about the importance of the TP Scroll. It is basically a single-use spell scroll that allows heroes to travel to friendly locations after channeling magic into it.

Eagle-eyed fans will notice one of the new characters using one such scroll in the Dragon’s Blood teaser. This has further excited fans as they now hope to see more of the game’s items appear in the anime

8 Dragon Knight, but not really

Both the teaser and trailer are jam-packed with Davion taking on dragons of different shapes and sizes. But only true fans realize that this Davion is far from the Dragon Knight players know and love. It is seen throughout both the media that Davion does not yet have the abilities or the famous sword that he wields in-game.

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In fact, Davion might not even be the first to transform into dragon-form. As seen in the trailer, whoever it is that transforms into a dragon doesn’t even have control over the ability. This is very far from the ability to choose between different dragon-forms as seen in the game.

7 Davion and Slyrak might work together

The trailer’s crescendo sees the green dragon and Slyrak breathe fire at each other. While certainly a spectacle, the most important thing about this moment is how Davion runs up a hill and jumps with his sword at the pair.

If someone turns the brightness up high, they will notice that Davion is running up a spiked back. Viewers can similarly see that he jumps over the head of none other than Slyrak itself to attack the other dragon.

6 Starfall and Eclipse of the Lucent Beams

Davion is the anime’s titular protagonist, but that doesn’t mean the other heroes haven’t gotten their highlights. Mirana is seen using her ability called “Starfall” as a singular arrow she fires splits into multiple glowing arrows.

Viewers also see Selemene throw down purple lunar beams at some troops. Die-hard fans probably realized that these beams are a skill called “Lucent Beams” that Luna wields in the game. And Luna’s ultimate causes an Eclipse and showers enemies around her with an array of said beams.

5 Everyone’s favorite Death Kitty pair is here

Long-time fans know that the mounts of both Luna and Mirana are feared warriors themselves. Sadly, Nova – who is Luna’s mount – only appears for a few frames during the trailer. But fans get to see Sagan in action as it tackles a flying dragon to save Mirana.

If the show is going to be lore-accurate, enemies are going to have a hard time even approaching the Moon’s warriors and their mounts, much less harm them.

4 The Selemene’s Lotus thieves

The trailer is very clear about the importance of Selemene’s Lotuses to the plot. And the fact that someone manages to steal them from right under the order’s nose means that the thief is no less talented than the heroes.

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The fans first theorized the culprit to be Riki or Bounty Hunter in disguise. Later, theories shifted to target Templar Assasin, who collects rare items for her master Void Spirit. It has since been revealed that the culprit is a completely new character, but the wild goose chase that the fans gave is endearing at worst.

3 Who kills the elven thief in the trailer?

It is not yet clear whether the thief seen in the trailer is also the one seen dead in the woods, but the killer behind this murder can be identified. Fans with sharp eyes caught a glimpse of blood trickling down a very iconic glaive. This glaive is wielded by none other than Luna, the Sword of the Moon. This implies that Luna catches the thief as they try to escape from Nightsilver.

On the other hand, the dead body could be someone completely different. This implies the possibility of Luna’s initiation into the Moon’s warrior as being a part of the anime’s story.

2 The Tower of Invoker

Invoker spammers and lore-heads alike know that there are two big mysteries revolving around this mechanically unique hero. First, why does the wizard with the sharpest memory in the world have a name as basic as “Carl?”

And second, what lies in the Tower of Invoker. The Tower of Invoker is called the ultimate mage’s tower. It has been upgraded and added onto over a period of time longer than many a species have survived.  One has to assume that the show will prove more than a peak of this legendary location.

1 All you have to do is…let me in

Perhaps the biggest Easter egg comes not from the trailer but from the mobile phone wallpapers released with it. Fans were quick to realize that each of the four heroes’ posters had a part of a QR code in them. Putting together the QR code leads to a 10-second teaser with Terrorblade.

Terrorblade, the demon who even dominated the reflections of his most evil aspects. The demon whose motives are unknown to the world. The demon who can transform into his worst possible self and keep it under his control. And if this isn’t the perfect way to drop an Easter egg, no way possibly is.

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