Fallout 3: 10 Things Most Players Missed In Raven Rock

Raven Rock is the main base for the Enclave in Fallout 3. During the game’s story, the player is captured and brought to this base. This allows for a chance to explore Raven Rock, seeing how the Enclave live and even meeting their leader. Along with this, players can loot Enclave lockers to get their armor and weaponry.

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With the number of enemies found, players might not take the time to look around and notice the details in Raven Rock. Taking a few seconds will reveal more about the faction, what they are planning for the Capital Wasteland, and even a collectible.

10 Located In Pennsylvania

Raven Rock is in the Capital Wasteland, but players are able to learn the exact state it is in. Players can discover this by going to the Boston Bugle building in Fallout 4 and reading a terminal. The location is a mountainous region in Pennsylvania. The terminal also reveals more about the base.

The president of the United States vacated the White House, with the public wondering where he was. One assumption was Raven Rock, but it is revealed he went to an oil rig near San Francisco.

9 Real World Location Exists

Many places in Fallout 3 also exist in reality, but it might come as a surprise to learn that there is a real Raven Rock. The real-world location acted as a fallout shelter for the US government, allowing the government to still operate after a nuclear war. This is similar to the Enclave, using the bunker as a government center.

The base is also located in a similar area as the in-game one. The real Raven Rock is located at Blue Ridge Summit in Pennsylvania, located on the border of Maryland.

8 Nathan Vargas Found Here

Assuming the player did not blow up Megaton, a familiar face can be found in Raven Rock. It is none other than Nathan Vargas, a lover of the Enclave who tells the players that the Enclave are the saviors of the waste. Despite this, Nathan is found in Raven Rock as a prisoner.

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Nathan was taken a prisoner by the Enclave at some point and can be met by the player. He will warn that the Enclave are not who they say they are at all. If he lives through the encounter, he can be found in Megaton again.

7 Only Accessible During Quest

Raven Rock will only be accessible to players during “The American Dream” quest. Going to the facility’s door before this will only give players the [INACCESSIBLE] prompt. With that in mind, players should take the time to search the base for anything they might want to keep.

Enclave scientist uniforms can be found and looted from corpses, as can the different types of power armor. A certain collectible is also located in the base, with players not able to get it if they leave the base.

6 Energy Weapons Bobblehead Found Here

Speaking of collectibles, the Energy Weapons bobblehead is found inside of Raven Rock. It is located in Colonel Autumn’s room at the end of Sector 2C. Heading west at the end of the hallway will bring players to the room.

Be careful, as entering the control room will cause the door to lock. This makes it impossible to head back, meaning players would need to reload a save. After picking up the bobblehead, players will get a permanent +10 to their energy weapon skill.

5 Anna Holt Found Here

Anna Holt was helping with Project Purity but defected to the Enclave later. She tipped the Enclave off about the project and brought them to the Jefferson Memorial. After the assault, she can be found in the science lab at Raven Rock where the player can confront her.

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It is also because of Anna that the player was captured by the Enclave. She let Colonel Autumn know the Lone Wanderer was retrieving a  G.E.C.K., allowing for the ambush. Despite all of this, killing her will result in negative karma.

4 Enclave Radio Not Available If Destroyed

With the soundtrack in the game, players might avoid the Enclave Radio. The station is home to President Eden giving speeches and classic songs relating to America. For fans of the radio station, they might notice a difference if Raven Rock is destroyed.

Players will no longer be able to find Enclave Radio on their Pip-Boy. It is not mentioned by any characters in the wasteland, so it can easily go unnoticed.

3 Only Location Of Laser Tripwires

There are numerous traps located throughout the Capital Wasteland. These range from a bear trap to a grenade in a baby carriage. With how advanced the Enclave is, it should be expected they have even better traps. Raven Rock is the only location where a laser tripwire can be found.

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The tripwire can be disabled with a repair skill of 85 or a science skill of 67. If a player does happen to cross through one, flammable gas and a flame will light them on fire.

2 Enemies Found In Cryogenic Stasis Here

In the science lab of Raven Rock, players can find wasteland enemies in cryogenic stasis. A few enemies found are ghouls, super mutants, deathclaws, and yao guai. Being in stasis, players are able to see the enemies up close without worrying about being attacked.

It seems the Enclave were trying to study the different mutations found in the Capital Wasteland. That is until the Lone Wanderer came in and started to kill anyone in their path.

1 Gets Destroyed Despite Player’s Choice

By finding a destruction code in Colonel Autumn’s terminal or by passing a speech check, players can cause President Eden to self-destruct. If neither of these options is taken, the base will be left intact and the player will go on to take back Project Purity. The DLC Broken Steel changes this, making it so the base is destroyed.

The player will learn that Liberty Prime led an assault on the base, blowing it up and killing everyone inside. Because the DLC takes place after the main story, Raven Rock being destroyed is the canon outcome.

NEXT: Fallout 3: 10 Pieces Of Cut Content (That It’s So Unfair We Never Got)


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