One of the main draws for Overwatch is learning the ins and outs of its diverse cast. Blizzard’s team-based shooter includes hero playstyles fit for veteran and casual gamers. As a way to test some unique kit changes, professional players have curated an Experimental Mode to test for an Overwatch League Tournament.
When it was first presented, Blizzard suggested the mode would be helpful for exploring more changes to Overwatch’s heroes. Besides a change for the 222 format and the occasional hero power, most Experimental updates have been minor tweaks. The new version released on March 22 adds in adjustments for a wide variety of characters, ranging from subtle to game changing.
The factors that might excite fans most are those which alter how characters work. One of the more unusual changes is how Torbjorn now has two turrets that can be placed simultaneously. Even with reduced damage and health, this update could offer some new pro tips on how to play Torbjorn. Soldier 76 also receives a second Helix Rocket charge, while Pharah takes 5 percent less damage while airborne. Even Reinhardt’s Earthshatter got a change to stun close targets for 3 seconds rather than 2.5.

However, not all the Experimental Mode changes are out of left field. Many of the character tweaks focus on statistic changes which could be more palatable to the community. Winston’s health is getting a switch to incorporate more armor, and Zarya’s barrier for allies is receiving a larger range. Some fans will probably question buffs to Junkrat’s Mine and Hanzo’s Dragonstrike damage, but these can result in more chaotic gameplay. Wrecking Ball mains can look forward to a 15 percent smaller size and higher Grappling Claw cooldown.
Despite the potentially controversial changes in this update, it is good to see Blizzard branching out. With the sequel in development, the first Overwatch is unlikely to see any new heroes or major content. Experimental Mode can be a great way to shake up Role Queue without frustrating hardcore players. Since this Experimental Mode is specifically for a League Tournament, the tweaks will not be coming to the live game. That said, any player can still enjoy these updates while Experimental Mode remains up.
Even with the disclaimer that this is solely for a League Tournament, some Overwatch players may get salty. The time spent on adding in these limited changes could be used to improve a game Blizzard seemingly downplayed at BlizzCon 2021. Some heroes, like Sombra, mostly received nerfs, which seems to go against the idea of making an exciting Experimental Mode update. All that being said, the new version should provide some crazy matches while it lasts.
Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.
Source: Blizzard

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