Remnant: From The Ashes – All Beast Heart Choices And Their Consequences

The Beast Heart is a coveted item in Remnant: From The Ashes that multiple characters demand from the player. Deciding who to give it to and how to refuse the proposal is one of the pivotal choices to make in the game, and the answer depends on what players want out of it.

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If players are looking to get certain sets of armor or a quest-locked weapon, this decision can make or break those wants if the right choice isn’t made. Only two characters demand the Beast Heart but there’re four paths the game might go depending on the answer players give.

4 How To Get The Beast Heart

The Undying King mentions that he needs the Beast Heart, or in his words, the Guardian’s Heart to wake up the Guardians of his people. The Guardians serve to protect his people against the Root as they slowly repopulate and gather their strength. He sends the player to Corsus to fight Ixillis, a Beast that has the Heart.

Listening to the Undying King at first is the fastest way to get to Corsus and get the Heart. He will open the portal and players won’t have to talk to anyone else or receive other items. On the other hand, if the player kills the Undying King early on, they can get the Labyrinth Key which is what they need, and skip the adventure to Corsus entirely.

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That said, the Beast Heart is an optional part of the game that players need in order to complete side questlines for the Undying King or the Iskal Queen. If they want to just breeze through without receiving certain weapons, traits, or equipment, the labyrinth key is obtainable just by killing the Undying King which can be done at almost any time.

3 Give It To The Undying King

The Undying King asks for the Beast Heart as a means of saving his world and protecting his people from the Root. His motives are sincere but his methods are questionable since he is quick to resort to violence and lashes out at everyone who might stand in his way.

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If the player chooses to give him the heart, the Undying King will thank them and reward them with a few items. The first item is Riven, which comes upgraded to +5. Riven is a scythe that heals the player depending on how much damage they deal.

The Undying King will also grant the player a Labyrinth Key which they need to progress the story, making their lives a lot easier since they can avoid a fight with him to get it. For players who want the scythe and quick progression after obtaining the heart, this is the way to go.

2 Refuse To Give It To The Undying King

This path is somewhat avoidable if the player simply doesn’t talk to the Undying King after obtaining the Beast Heart. If they do talk to him after getting it, he will demand it like normal, but they can refuse. If he’s refused, a boss fight will ensue, and players will have to kill the Undying King.

If the player wins the fight, he gives the Kingslayer Trait, which upgrades critical chances by 2.5% every upgrade. He also drops The Ruin, a burst fire rifle that revives the player if they die. This weapon is pretty powerful at this point in the game so it’s worth keeping in mind for this decision.

The boss fight itself has three phases. The first phase involves the King mocking the player’s ability and keeping his hands behind his back. He will spawn enemies to attack, but not directly damage the player himself. Stay close to him and barrage him with headshots since they do extra damage.

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During the second phase, the Undying King will invoke melee weapons and try to stay closer to the player, this is when the player should run away from him and keep their distance since he packs a hell of a punch. He’s very slow-moving in this phase so keeping distance shouldn’t be too difficult. The biggest thing to look out for is the Undying King’s leaping attack that can kill the player in one combo. The best way to avoid it is to dodge roll into him since he has trouble turning around quickly.

The final phase involves the King trying to heal and restore his immortality. He will spawn enemies to attack the player while he walks to his shrine and meditates. It’s important that the player takes care of any other targets in the arena and heals themselves before challenging the King at his altar, even though he’s healing. Attacking him breaks his meditation and opens him up to a lot of headshots and big damage afterward.

1 Give To The Iskal Queen

Giving the Heart to the Iskal Queen seems like a safe bet until the player realizes that her intentions are pretty sinister. She intends to assimilate another race of people into her own by putting them at risk of extinction through the Root.

Once the player gives her the heart, the Undying King becomes hostile and that boss fight will ensue once the player walks into his arena. This means the player will get the rewards of killing the King as well as whatever rewards the Iskal Queen gives.

The Iskal Queen gives the player the Slayer Armor set which buffs them upon reloading. The buff lasts for ten seconds after reloading and gives a 30% damage increase if they’re wearing the full set. This could make for some crazy high damage builds if optimized properly.

Talking to the Iskal Queen after obtaining the Heart has no impact on the game, even if the player refuses to give her the item. They will still be able to buy items from her shop, and she won’t become hostile at any point because of it.

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