Twitch Stream Shows Stop Sign Where Almost No One Stops

Twitch is possibly one of the most interesting content creation platforms available at the moment. One of the big reasons for this is the plethora of odd Twitch categories that streamers can produce content around, such as virtual chess and even IRL streaming content.

Recently, one Twitch stream called “stopsigncam” has garnered an incredibly large viewer base after showing live footage of a random stop sign somewhere in Salem, Massachusetts. What’s interesting about this Twitch stream is that an overwhelming percentage of cars that drive through the intersection roll right through the stop sign without stopping in the slightest.

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The account only recently started streaming but has garnered thousands upon thousands of viewers in less than a week. The account itself claims that “98.73% of vehicles don’t stop” at the stop sign and it’s not entirely inaccurate. Watching the stream for even a few minutes shows a staggering number of vehicles who simply roll right through the stop sign without applying their brakes even slightly. Though most Twitch streams involving driving tend to go very poorly, this is one stream featuring regular, real drivers that hasn’t yet shown a collision.

This is more surprising due to the fact that the vast majority of these drivers are all but ignoring the stop sign. Of course, the chance that a collision eventually shows up live is definitely possible, in which case the Twitch account will no doubt be banned. Until then, readers can check out the live stream for themselves as it’s admittedly fairly entertaining. Additionally the stream also has a dedicated YouTube page where the VODs of each stream are uploaded.

There’s no telling how much longer the live stream will be active, especially considering the nature of the broadcast. Additionally, no creator has attached themselves to the stream, so it is able to remain completely anonymous. There is always a danger when it comes to IRL streaming, such as when Dr Disrespect was banned from Twitch for showing live footage of a public restroom at E3 2019. Still, the live stream itself seems relatively harmless as of right now, and the content on the channel has garnered quite the following.

While there are plenty of Twitch users who dislike the IRL stream category for various reasons, it’s hard to argue that some of the most interesting content doesn’t come out of it. For example, Twitch streamer Ludwig’s ongoing subathon has garnered massive attention because his subs have continued to keep the stream going much longer than was originally intended. Though Ludwig has done a variety of different activities over the course of the stream, much of it has been labeled IRL. So, with any luck the “stopsigncam” Twitch stream continues without any major incidents, and hopefully brings some more awareness to irresponsible driving as long as it continues.

MORE: Comparing Twitch Streaming to YouTube


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