Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 965 – 970 Explained: Marluxia Prelude; Conversations With Darkness

Luxu wants to know more about Darkness, and Lauriam’s emotional state is rapidly deteriorating. Following a loss at Maleficent’s hands, Lauriam awoke from a nightmare regarding Strelitzia’s disappearance, and his anxiety over the situation is at an all-time high. Meanwhile, Luxu has noted the Master’s criticism regarding his jumping to conclusions and impatience, so he’s decided to learn more about their enemy. As for Lauriam, he’s heading back to the Foreteller’s Chambers to report Maleficent’s escape to his fellow Union leaders, but what he’ll overhear in this room will finally be his tipping point.

The interesting events in quests 965 through 970 of Kingdom Hearts Union Cross see all the Union leaders finally come face to face with Darkness — Strelitzia’s killer. They also act as the first to show shades of Lauriam’s future as Marluxia and reveal that the Master of Masters has had personal interactions with Darkness. This writing functions as a recap and interpretation of these events to better explain the Kingdom Hearts Union Cross storyline, so expect spoilers ahead.

RELATED: Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 925 – 935 Explained: Maleficent’s Escape; Ventus and Strelitzia

Skuld and Ephemer have questions about Brain’s theory that he can’t definitively answer, only make educated guesses about. He doesn’t know why Darkness would go after Strelitzia, only that it’s the only culprit that makes sense given the information he has to work with. As for why Darkness has yet to hurt the rest of them: Ephemer’s theory about it waiting to make a move makes the most sense. If that’s the case, and Brain is right about Darkness killing or “targeting” Strelitzia, then the entity knows the group is onto it and will probably come after them soon.

Having just arrived, Lauriam overhears the ending of this conversation and becomes completely obsessed with it. He ignores Skuld and Ephemer when they try to check on his injuries, as he only wants to know what Brain meant in saying something “targeted” Strelitzia. Lauriam even goes so far as to limp over and grab Brain by his collar to demand an answer. Moreover, when Ephemer tries to intervene and calm him down, Lauriam throws him aside in anger.

RELATED: Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 920 – 925 Explained: The ‘Replacement’ Leader

Completely unfazed by the situation, Brain simply notes his newfound understanding of Darkness’ plan. Lauriam’s reaction has helped him realize that Darkness did what it did to create fear, doubt, and anger between the new Union leaders, turning them against each other. It’s a clever scheme in Brain’s opinion, but Lauriam doesn’t understand what this has to do with his sister. All he wants to know is what happened to her, so when his injuries nag at him, Skuld manages to convince him to put Brain down and let them all explain.

However, Ventus ruins her efforts with his arrival. Even though Ephemer and Skuld protest it, Ven claims that what happened to Strelitzia is his fault, which flares Lauriam’s anger again. Ven’s statement still doesn’t answer his question about Strelitzia, and what’s worse, it gives Lauriam a direct object to blame for what he already knows happened to her deep down. Like with Brain, he hobbles to, grabs, and demands Ven tell him what he did to his sister.

Lauriam’s question triggers something in Ven, and instead of answering, he groans in pain, cradling his head like he did when he first remembered Strelitzia. However, Lauriam isn’t dissuaded from pressing him, even as Ven’s pain intensifies. It gets to a point where Brain and Ephemer intervene, attempting to convince Lauriam that he’s not the person he’s acting like, but Lauriam’s not listening anymore. Enraged, he summons his Keyblade, forcing Brain to dodge a blow and for Ephemer to summon his own weapon just to stop Lauriam from striking Ven down.

At this point, Darkness finishes the process that’s tormenting Ven and separates from him. Its aura flares from Ven’s body and steals the group’s full attention, and just as Ven attempts to communicate to Lauriam that Darkness was the one that hurt Strelitzia, the entity sheds his body and leaves him unconscious. As Brain recognizes Darkness for what it is, it complains about how long it took the group to finally discern its existence.

Luxu learns that the Master has had multiple conversations with Darkness, though none were productive. Neither side seemed to be capable of helping the other understand their way of thinking. The Master compares the discussions to debating with something alien, something with an unconventional thought process. Luxu can relate to the sentiment because he feels the same way whenever he talks to the Master.

The Master has a Machiavellian personality, so, internally, he knows that he gives Luxu this impression on purpose. However, his Machiavellianism works through histrionic tendencies, so he overreacts to Luxu’s “disrespect” with an audible gasp and lecture. He tells him that most apprentices respect their teachers and that if either of them shares a commonality with Darkness, it would be Luxu. But Luxu blows this off and moves to his next question.

He asks and learns that Darkness can indeed understand humans — but for a terrifying reason. According to the Master, there’s no communication barrier between Darkness and people because Darkness spies on them all fairly often. The Master even suggests that Darkness might be spying on him and Luxu at this very moment, spooking Luxu enough to cause him to search the control room in paranoia. Having gotten his laugh, the Master assures Luxu that Darkness isn’t in the room with them; they don’t approach humans without a good reason. “They” is used in this context to imply there’s more than one entity.

Deciding to skip past the Master’s antics — as he does — Luxu instead asks about what will happen to Ava’s Dandelions if Darkness challenges them. The Master’s answer is fairly direct: Anyone targeted by Darkness is in danger, as they possess an unpredictable and manipulative nature. That said, while Darkness can predict how humans will react, they can’t comprehend human nature and the motivations that drive them, so the Dandelions do stand a small chance.

However, due to its inability to understand people, Darkness perpetually sees them as the enemy and vice versa. The two sides will never get along, but the Master can’t tell Luxu how Darkness plans to end the conflict or if that’s what it even wants. Any guess he makes about Darkness’ end game would be as good as Luxu’s.

Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is on IOS and Android.

MORE: Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 960 – 965 Explained: Strelitzia’s Killer; The Master of Masters’ Reasons


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