Square-Enix’s Octopath Traveler was one of the Nintendo Switch’s biggest hits. When the game’s Xbox port drops later this March, there will no doubt be even more exploring the land of Orsterra. The game is enormous, and like the classic RPGs it draws so much from, Octopath Traveler can get pretty punishing.
Good weapons are crucial when fighting the game’s difficult opponents. Swords, specifically, are the weapon of choice for two of the game’s eight playable characters. Blades don’t just boost the wielder’s attack, but there’s a bevy of additional buffs and effects they can have. Here’s everything players need to know about the ten strongest swords in Octopath Traveler, starting from the least powerful to the game’s ultimate weapon.
10 Deathly Blade

The Deathly Blade is a rare sword with solid stats, +219 Phys. and +98 Accuracy. It has a unique and very intriguing bonus effect, too: a chance to insta-kill the target on the attack. Sounds incredible, right? It’s not. The game doesn’t list the proc rate, but it seems to be incredibly low. Players may fight many, many battles with the Deathly Blade and never see the instant death effect.
The Deathly Blade is a reward for completing the “Into Thin Air” quest. Speak to the Laconic Father in Victors Hollow to start. The quest ends with a battle against the Devourer Of Men, one of the toughest bosses in the game. As said before, the Deathly Blade isn’t nearly as good as it sounds, so the squeeze might not be worth the juice. It’s easier to buy or steal it off of a Townsperson in Everhold.
9 Trinity Sword

Speed is the Trinity Sword’s main asset. Its +100 boost is the second greatest of any sword. That makes it one of the best weapons for the Thief job. But with a thematically appropriate +222 to Phys., it’ll work on just about anyone who can equip it.
The easiest way to acquire the Trinity Sword is through the Armorer in Northreach. The sword can also be bought off an Old Man in Everhold, or dropped by a Guard at Atlasdam Palace. The former actually sells it for a few thousand less than the Armorer.
8 Unseen Saber

The Unseen Saber has a lot going for it. Not only is it the only sword that boosts Evasion (at +100), but it has a chance to confuse enemies on hit. Equip it to a Thief with the Insult to Injury support skill to get the most out of it.
There are two chests in the game that contain the Unseen Saber. The first is in Everhold’s Amphitheatre Arena, and the second is in Grimsand Ruins, where H’aanit’s final boss encounter is located. A guard in Riverford also carries one to be bought or stolen.
7 Enchanted Sword

The Enchanted Sword is notable for having the highest Elemental Attack boost of any sword. With +240 Phys., +220 Elem., and +40 Critical, it’s a huge get for mixed attackers. Unfortunately, it’s a rare drop, and after a certain point in the story, gone forever.
The NPC Alphas has a 5% chance to drop the Enchanted Sword after a battle. He stands outside of Ravus Manor or at Saintsbridge, depending on whether the player has completed his first side story. Do not start the second part, “Daughter Of A Dark God (II),” until the Enchanted Sword has dropped. Once that quest has begun, path actions won’t work on Alphas. The Lorn Cathedral: Cellars holds a backup Enchanted Sword if it was originally missed.
6 Emperor’s Blade

The Emperor’s Blade is just a solid all-around weapon. It has a solid +251 Phys., with an added +100 to Accuracy. It’s a good idea to equip this weapon before fighting enemies that debuff Accuracy.
General Lenaar holds the Emperor’s Blade. He appears in Marsalim Palace after H’aanit’s story is over. The Blade costs 15,300, and its Steal level is 63. There’s a Guard in Grandport Markets who can drop it, too. Be aware, though – his Strength level is 9 and can only be fought if the player is at least Level 30.
5 Dragon Saber

The Dragon Saber is a powerful endgame weapon, and it’s not too difficult to acquire either. The +273 power is great, but it really shines with a +120 buff to Critical. If Olberic’s focusing purely on physical attacks, it’s fantastic for him.
NPCs in Northreach and Marsalim hold the Dragon Saber, ready for the player to Purchase or Steal. Swordsman Yuri in Marsalim is the easiest one to find. Inquiring or Scrutinizing the General Store in Riverford (select “More Plentiful Provisions”) will unlock it too. It costs 58,000 Leaf.
4 Werner’s Sword

Werner drops this aptly-named weapon upon his defeat. He’s the final boss of Olberic’s story, so every player will find it eventually. There’s only one of this weapon in the game, and it has some very unique (but misleading) attributes.
Werner’s Sword has +299 Phys., +120 Elem., and the mysterious “Crit or Miss” effect. That means that every attack that hits will be critical. How is this not the most overpowered weapon in the game? It’s because the effect also guts the user’s hit rate. Characters will miss more often than not with this sword – but when their hits land, it’s tremendous. The trick to getting the most out of Werner’s Sword is to equip it to someone with a very high crit rate.
3 Harald’s Sword

This weapon is only obtainable after completing Olberic’s story. Talk to Reggie in Riverford to start the “Hello Again, Harald” side story. After roughing up a guard and stealing a precious necklace, Harald will cough up the rare weapon.
Harald’s Sword has the second-best Phys. power in the game, at +380. It does not rank higher because it doesn’t give Critical or Speed boosts as many other Swords do. What it does have is +120 Magic power and a boost to all Fire damage. This weapon is a must-have for a powerful Runelord.
2 Forbidden Blade

The Forbidden Blade is one of a series of powerful weapons in Octopath Traveler. These weapons have very high stats, but each comes with a drawback. For the Blade, it’s a chance to buff the target’s physical attack. But with +310 Phys. and +120 Speed, the target won’t be up for much longer anyway.
One of the Townspeople in Stonegard Valleys sells this fearsome sword. It costs 75,000 Leaf, so save up. A chest containing a Forbidden Blade can also be found in the Refuge Ruins. The Refuge Ruins is among the hardest dungeons, at danger 50.
1 Battle-tested Blade

The strongest sword in Octopath Traveler won’t surprise many. Battle-tested equipment is rare and typically locked to the post-game, but they’re the most powerful weapons around. The Battle-tested Blade gives a whopping +400 Phys. and attacking boosts the user even more.
Purchase the Battle-tested Blade from Erhardt after completing Olberic’s story. Players can buy the sword only once. There’s a second, secret way to obtain the Battle-tested Blade. A specific Townsperson NPC in Lower Bolderfall drops it after being challenged or provoked into a fight. The catch? He’s very strong, and the drop rate is only 2%. Unlimited Battle-tested Blades can be acquired this way, but maybe it’s not worth the hassle.

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