Without a doubt, Pokemon GO‘s Community Days still remain as one of the most anticipated monthly events in the game. Last month, for example, saw players catching Fletchlings in order to obtain a Talonflame with a special move. With several bonuses also associated with the event, its popularity has managed to maintain a remarkable stride.
Come April, Pokemon GO players can expect more of the same in many ways. Past events have been happening early in the month, so fans can probably expect it to take place within the first two weeks. The first weekend, seeing as how that’s Easter, seems a little less likely as a result, but the when isn’t necessarily the big draw—it’s the what can be caught.

Before getting to the core of Community Day, it’s notable that it’s both patterned and sometimes unpredictable. Once upon a time, every other Pokemon GO Community Day featured a starter Pokemon, while Niantic has introduced new elements a few times, including voting. The ability to vote on Community Day has been really popular, and it’s something that should be done more than the 3 times it has thus far. Either way, the standard formula even during the Pandemic hasn’t really innovated as much as its relied on past successes.
That’s not to say Community Day is in any danger; as long as Pokemon GO remains popular, so too will the event. However, Niantic would do well to introduce new features for Community Days. It could be something more consistent like voting or something tailored specifically to the catchable Pokemon, but it would be nice to see this event less as a list of Pokemon and more of big events. Niantic already include research tasks and the like, but maybe, for example, spawn rates can be adjusted to make this less of a day for a specific Pokemon, but a themed event every month with one Pokemon leading the charge. Either way, April is actually the perfect month for this.

Many will no doubt be hoping for big Pokemon like Axew or Deino; after all, the past few months’ selections haven’t exactly been rare. A big Pokemon like that is no doubt welcome, but it would be interesting if Niantic geared April toward egg Pokemon. Obviously, Easter isn’t celebrated everywhere or by everyone, but Easter Egg hunts are always welcome. For example, Niantic could include Pokemon that are designed with eggs in mind: Chansey, Exeggcute, Togepi, Vullaby, or any number of the relatively popular Baby Pokemon.
At the same time, April will likely host another Eggstravaganza/Spring Event. This means that Niantic will likely make sure the events don’t necessarily crossover, but that doesn’t mean they can’t go hand-in-hand. A Spring Event based on Eggs with a Community Day focused on a Pokemon like Chansey or Vullaby would make for a fun, thematic month.
Assuming Niantic avoids this entirely, there’s certainly other Pokemon that fans have been begging for. The end of 2020 saw a ton of Kanto Pokemon featured, so moving beyond that (as it has with Roselia and Fletchling), other popular non-first gen Pokemon could mean Pokemon like Litwick, Misdreavus, or Murkrow. Many are clamoring that Niantic do a big Pokemon, especially after all the focus on Kanto, so other popular requests also include Archen, Gible, or Noibat. Any of these Pokemon would no doubt generate a ton of hype as Spring comes about.
Ultimately, all of this is sheer speculation. With the sheer number of Pokemon possible, there’s absolutely no telling what’s up Niantic’s sleeve. But as April is see as one of the big Spring months, it should go big before any big summer releases. It also seems unlikely, after fan feedback, that the new Pokemon is from Kanto.
Pokemon GO is available in select regions for Android and iOS devices.

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