Zack Snyder’s Justice League sure took its time, but now that the much-improved version of the DC film is here, Warner Bros. and HBO Max are not shy of milking everything they can out of it. Now, as if the Snyder Cut’s 4:3 screen format wasn’t enough to single it out from its predecessor, the film is about to get even darker.
Despite them being essentially the same story, albeit, through very different lenses, Zack Snyder’s Justice League has earned favorable reviews compared to the Joss Whedon version from back in 2017 and there are more than a few good reasons for that. The Snyder Cut adds deleted footage and new scenes that make for a much more coherent movie, even if its 4-hour long runtime is too much to swallow in one sitting for many viewers, it’s very much worth the wait just to avoid Henry Cavill’s weird upper lip mustache editing.
Oddly enough, one of the most distinguishing qualities of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, that being its color palette, is being completely reworked for a black and white edition that’s also scheduled to be released on HBO Max soon. Dubbed Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Justice is Gray, this particular edit takes Batman and company in a different direction that might do away with the flair and shine of the movie’s special effects and CGI material, though it still is quite an intriguing prospect.
Overall, perhaps the standout Snyder signature put on his Justice League is how it completely forgoes any attempt to imitate its more successful Marvel equivalents, both in terms of some of the jokes that simply aren’t there in the new cut and the brighter scenarios that made way for Snyder’s darker and grittier cinematic style.
Though for some there might still be a reasonable argument over which Justice League is better, the truth of the matter is that Zack Snyder’s Justice League continues the filmmaking style and ideas that were present in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Wonder Woman. Everything from that Diana Prince battle theme to the bloodier action scenes speaks of a real film identity that Whedon’s version was simply lacking.
Whether that coupled with the individual merits of Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be enough to warrant another 4-hour cut so soon into the original’s lifespan is an entirely different debate. Be that as it may, at least Snyder got to make a movie most fans are happier with, now even feeding rumors of a potential Justice League 2.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is exclusively available on HBO Max.
Source: snydercut|Twitter

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