Darksiders Genesis: All Of War & Strife’s Abilities (& How To Unlock Them)

War and Strife are the two protagonists in Darksiders: Genesis. Each character begins the game with just one ability, but gamers can find two additional abilities for each protagonist while playing the game. These abilities are found in epic chests that are scattered throughout the storyline.

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Some of the chests are easy to spot, while others are placed in obscure locations. Players that want to get the most out of both characters will need to find all epic chests, as the Wraith abilities will be crucial in the final missions. This guide will cover where to find each chest and how to use each Wrath ability.

2 Strife Wrath Abilities

Strife wields the power of his two revolvers, Mercy and Redemption. He is best used at range, but can attack enemies up close with his dual sabers. Mercy and Redemption can be loaded with several different types of ammunition, each with distinct effects. Additionally, Strife can utilize the Void Bomb and Aether spark to damage foes. However, Strife’s Wrath abilities are the true strengths of the character. All of the epic chests and how to locate them are included below. Gamers may have to use Strife’s abilities and bombs to break into closed areas.


Strife’s Caltrops ability sends explosive spikes toward enemies. The ability keeps demons from getting too close, and provides a large area of effect to weaken them. As a ranged attacker, Strife needs to use the spikes to maintain distance and deal as much damage as possible.

Players can find the epic chest containing the ability in the Inferno Vault. At the frozen steps, gamers should walk up the first set of stairs and walk to the right. The chest will be all the way at the end of the walkway. When looking at the map, the chest will be located in the area that extends furthest to the right.

Shadow Clone

The Shadow Clone base ability allows strife to create a shadow to conceal his true location. The ability will also boost the rate at which he fires Mercy and Redemption.

World Ender

Strife’s world ender ability combines the power of both of his pistols to produce one concentrated blast which decimates enemies. The World Ender ability epic chest can be found during the fifth mission in Genesis. Players need to head to the Shrine of Vanity on the left side of the map. The chest will be to the left once players enter the Shrine.

1 War Wrath Abilities

War is the tank main in Darksiders Genesis. While Strife usually deals damage from range, War will get up close and personal to absorb and deal damage to demons. War wields the power of his enormous sword to slay demons at point blank range. Solo players can swap between War and Strife to maximize their effectiveness in game. War should always be the first character to encounter enemies, as he has the most health and damage resistance. His Wrath abilities, listed below, are all geared toward tanking. Gamers will need to use their base abilities and bombs to break through closed doors and areas to reach both epic chests.


War’s Rampage ability allows gamers to rocket forward, creating a path of area of effect damage along the way. The ability is extremely useful for the tank, as it allows him to close the gap between enemies. War will use half of his pip each time the ability is activated. Whenever Strife is drawing enemy attacks, War should agro enemy attention with Rampage.

Gamers can find the Rampage chest during the fifth mission of the game in the Hoard. The epic chest will appear on the map above the High Road on the map. The chest will be easy to locate on the top right corner of the map.

Blade Geyser

War’s Blade Geyser attack will drive the character’s sword into the ground creating an area of effect to damage enemies. Each blade that sprouts above the ground will deal moderate damage to any enemies in the vicinity of the character. As War levels up, the Blade Geyser attack will generate more blades and progressively deal more damage.


The Stoneskin ability essentially makes War unstoppable for ten seconds. His skin will turn to stone, repelling most enemy damage. Similar to the Rampage ability, Stoneskin will use half of War’s pip. War will be able to combine the use of Stoneskin and Rampage to lure demons away from Strife. Gamers should use Stoneskin while dealing with multiple enemies or battling higher level foes.

Gamers will find the Stoneskin epic chest during the eighth mission in the game. It is one the top left side of the map during the mission. The area players fill find the chest is called The Source. Gamers can see the location on their mini map.

NEXT: Darksiders Genesis: How to Beat Stormcaller

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