LEGO Star Wars 3: The 10 Best Cheats & What They Do | Game Rant

Released back in 2011, LEGO Stars Wars III: The Clone Wars brought a whole host of new additions to the popular franchise (which almost never got started as a publisher couldn’t be found at first). These included a number of new characters (300 of them, as of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga) and vehicles first introduced in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film (2008) and the subsequent TV show (2008-2020). However, the game also featured a huge amount of hidden content.

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Some of these in-game secrets opened up new character options, such as Savage Opress or Poggle the Lesser (even with a character roster this big, there’s always room for new additions from the likes of The Mandalorian). However, many were cheats designed to give players passive boosts in their stats and abilities, far beyond what they would normally be able to accomplish.

10 Red Brick Detector

Perhaps one of the most straightforward of all the cheats, the Red Brick Detector allows players to more easily locate the red bricks dotted around each of the game’s levels. This is a particularly useful cheat to have activated, as finding red bricks is an essential step in unlocking the other cheats hidden in-game.

It also takes the guesswork out of the process, saving players valuable time and preventing long scavenger hunts through the game’s oftentimes sprawling levels (LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga‘s open-world being something to behold).

9 Stud Magnet

This cheat is the ultimate quality-of-life upgrade. In normal gameplay, studs (the in-game currency) are hidden in practically every container and decorative object in a given level. However, studs don’t hang around. If the player doesn’t pick them up in a reasonable time period, they’re gone for good.

That’s where the Stud Magnet cheat comes into play. Rather than have to run through wind, rain and a hail of blaster fire to collect every individual stud, activating the cheat will see the studs zoom towards a player automatically. This again saves time, as well as making sure that a player can grab every last stud on the map.

8 Dual Wield

In many instances, one weapon is simply not enough to get a player out of a particular jam. Maybe there are too many enemies in a given room, or perhaps they’re facing a stronger opponent. In these cases, the extra firepower would make a huge difference.

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Dual Wield gives players just that: an extra weapon they can bring to the fight to gain that added advantage. This applies to both blaster pistols and lightsabers, so many of the series’ original and new characters (some of The Skywalker Saga‘s new playable additions were very surprising) can take advantage of the cheat.

7 Score Multiplier (x2, x4, x6, x8, x10)

The Score Multiplier cheat is one that stacks particularly well with the Stud Magnet cheat. In essence, the score multiplier will increase the number of studs collected by the number shown.

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For instance, if a player activated the x2 score multiplier, the player would earn two studs for every one collected. This cheat also stacks with other multipliers, making it very easy to amass a large fortune in relatively quick order.

6 Minikit Detector

In much the same vein as the Red Brick Detector, the Minikit Detector helps players discover the minikits scattered around the game. With each map including around 10 minikits, it’s a useful quality-of-life cheat that speeds up the process of hunting them down.

It also proves especially useful considering that not every minikit is obtainable when first discovered. As such, players don’t have to memorize hidden locations on every single map.

5 Perfect Deflect

The usefulness of this cheat cannot be understated. Star Wars III features numerous battles from the Clone Wars, and as such, blaster-wielding droids are the most commonly encountered enemy in the game. Therefore, having the ability to directly deflect an opponent’s oncoming blaster fire right back to them is practically essential.

Without the cheat, blaster fire has a tendency to ricochet in random directions, and rarely back towards the enemy who fired it. This cheat removes all the guesswork from the equation and gives the player a perfect deflect every time.

4 Regenerate Hearts

Each player has a finite amount of health at their disposal. Usually, the only way for a player to recover health after taking damage is to either lose all their hearts and respawn, or find healing items. With the Regenerate Hearts cheat, a player’s health will gradually regenerate over time, all the way back to full health.

The player will still take damage normally, and is still capable of dying, but all a player has to do to take full advantage of the cheat is to hide behind cover for a short period of time. Their hearts will regenerate, and they can continue the fight on full health.

3 Character Studs

In normal gameplay, the number of locations a player can acquire studs from is relatively finite. They are usually restricted to the environment at large, as well as scattered around the level.

Activating the Character Studs cheat opens up an entirely new way to acquire studs: through vanquishing your enemies. Each time an enemy is killed, they will drop a small number of studs. This particular cheat stacks well with the Score Multiplier and Stud Magnet cheats, and can radically speed up the grind for more studs.

2 Dark Side

Many characters are limited in their abilities based on the faction they are a part of. While Jedi such as the iconic Yaddle can use the Force and Force powers, they are unable to use the Force Choke or Force Lightning abilities that their Sith counterparts are able to utilize.

The Dark Side cheat removes this restriction and allows all Jedi characters to use the aforementioned powers. As an added bonus, when the cheat is activated, all lightsabers will turn Sith red (the color of lightsabers being hugely important to fans), but otherwise function the same as before.

1 Invincibility

Utilizing this cheat has little if any downside. When a player uses the Invincibility cheat, they are completely invulnerable. No matter how many attacks the player takes, they are immune from all blaster damage, lightsaber swings, Force abilities or anything else.

The Invincibility cheat also has the added effect of making any vehicle the player is occupying invincible as well, so vehicle damage is also negated. In short: it’s all but impossible to fail, making this cheat a favorite in the LEGO Star Wars community. Not to mention the TikTok community, which has a surprising affinity for LEGO Star Wars.

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