Little Nightmares 2: 8 Things That Can Ruin Your Playthrough

When it comes to video games, there aren’t any real handbooks or rules about how to properly enjoy or play them as a whole. Half of the appeal of video games is that they can be enjoyed any way the player decides to; however, there are some tips and useful advice that can help the player find the narrative or experience that the developers intended.

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In the case of the horror-platformer, Little Nightmares 2, there are definitely a few things new players should keep in mind to get the most out of their playthrough. Getting the most out of a game is always the goal, so here are a few things to avoid that could otherwise ruin the overall enjoyment, satisfaction, or immersion of Little Nightmares 2.

8 Not Trying To Collect Hats

Poor little Mono lives a stressful life and he deserves a bit of fun. Perhaps he doesn’t have the time to be like other kids and take a small break at a playground or to socialize, but he does have the opportunity to find some fun collectibles in the form of wearables!

To take the edge off in the dark, harrowing world of Little Nightmares 2, the developers decided to add fun hats for Mono to keep an eye out for to change up his look whenever he wants. Not only are these hats fashionable upgrades, but they also add to Mono’s character as it’s been said that he prefers covering most of his face as a means of finding comfort and to hide from the cruel world.

Hats may not add anything truly meaningful to the gameplay; they don’t add any extra advantages or buffs. But that little bit of customization surprisingly adds a lot to team morale (even though Six, unfortunately, doesn’t get to join in).

7 Giving Up On Puzzles Too Easily

In between running from monsters or killing various enemies, there are many puzzles that are found throughout the game. These puzzles are clever, unique, and sometimes stressful and shouldn’t be neglected! The puzzles in the game may stump players from time to time, but giving up too early and looking up the solution is definitely a quick way to ruin some of the experience.

Some games miss the execution and make puzzles feel virtually unsolvable or too convoluted, but Little Nightmares 2 gets it just right. Its puzzles are genuinely fun to solve and add an entire layer to the gameplay; giving a great break between the stressful moments and the terrifying scares.

6 Not Exploring For Secret Rooms

Completionists are in for a fun time with this game as Little Nightmares 2 is packed with secrets and fun collectibles. Although it may be tempting to beeline to each objective, resist the urge to rush! It’s important to take some time to look around thoroughly to sniff out all the extra rooms to find any unique collectibles.

Not to mention how eerie some of these extra rooms look; with just one glance, it’s easy to see how much time the developers put into keeping the dark, frightening atmosphere, even in places that may be overlooked. It’s worth noting that some of these hidden areas offer extra bits of important lore as well.

5 Not Playing The First Game

This tale doesn’t start with Mono, despite his name. The first game actually stars Mono’s sidekick, Six, and tells her story. Unclear (at the beginning of the game) if Little Nightmares 2 is a prequel or sequel to Six’s story, it’s still a vital part of the narrative. Not playing the first installment of the series leaves out hours of storytelling and miles of world-building. Of course, Little Nightmares 2 is a great standalone game, however, being able to truly appreciate the story being built in the cruel, terrifying world Mono and Six are forced to navigate through means having a complete picture in front of the viewer; this means starting Little Nightmares‘ story right from the beginning.

Not only does the first game build on the second game, but it also had DLC released that fleshed out Six’s shadowy journey and past as well. It seems that although both the second game and the DLC featured different characters, everything in the end inevitably comes back to Six and her story.

4 Looking Up Each Boss Beforehand

Not only are the environments harrowing and eerie, but the character designs are as well. One of the best (and most terrifying) parts of entering each new area is slowly seeing small glimpses of each new boss. Each reveal is slow and agonizing; allowing the player to see just a bit of what’s lying up ahead for them. Throughout each level, more and more of the boss is shown instead of one big giveaway or flashy presentation.

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Allowing the player to let their imagination get to them and build up the fear until finally reaching the final boss to see exactly what they’re up against adds to both the fun and the terror. Don’t spoil the big reveal all at once! Being patient when venturing through every level truly pays off.

3 Only Caring About Collectibles Near The End Of The Game

For horror games like this, sometimes replayability can be a bit iffy. There’s no doubt that Little Nightmares 2 is a great game but it’s a little difficult to imagine jumping right back in after the ending. The game does a great job of vividly portraying the dull, soul-destroying environment Mono and Six are venturing through so it’s understandable if that dread seeps its way into the player. Little Nightmares 2 is a heavy game and shines the most upon its first playthrough.

It’s easy to imagine the dread the player would feel after realizing there were tons of hidden collectibles only after beating the game. Even for those more casual players that aren’t the completionist types, it’s still best to invest the time into caring about collectibles from the very beginning. It’s always better to start collecting early rather than resort to mindlessly playing through every level once again to find them. Completing the story and hunting for collectibles in one shot is without a doubt the best way to get the most out of the game.

2 Not Trying To Interpret Everything’s Meaning

As ambiguous as the story and its characters’ motives are, within the scares and ambiguity, there are still lots of underlying messages and meanings if the player looks for them. Just like the first game, there are lots of opportunities for player interpretation. Even with the absence of any real dialogue or explicitly written lore within the story, Mono, Six, the bosses, and all the enemies can be interpreted to have a special meaning or message.

Don’t just allow the story to progress without even trying to decipher any deeper meaning; half of the intrigue of the game is the room for interpretation! Lots of the disturbing imagery holds significance and isn’t just for the scare factor. It’s best to try to understand what this imagery represents; even if the guesses are off, it still adds value to the story for each viewer and their individual interpretation.

1 Not Caring About Six

Escort missions aren’t the most popular trope in the world of video games, but in the case of Six, things are very different. Perhaps at first, it may not even be that obvious that the child Mono finds and inevitably rescues is Six, the protagonist from the first game, but the moment she puts on her signature yellow raincoat, she’s immediately recognizable. This all comes back to being familiar with the events of the first game.

Six isn’t just some AI that the player is responsible for, she’s a victim just like Mono. The audience is familiar with Six and her story and the developers clearly wanted the player to genuinely care about her. It’s an intentional part of the story to sympathize with Six and be protective; not being invested in her or her well-being really takes away any tension or suspense whenever Mono loses contact with her.

Mono is a sweet, caring young boy; play the character and do everything in his power to protect her! That includes holding her hand along the way.

NEXT: Crazy Little Nightmares 2 Fan Theories (That Could Actually Be True)


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