The Weather Week event in Pokemon GO has officially begun. With it are plenty of tasks for players to complete alongside valuable rewards that will help players and their Pokemon become even stronger.
Pokemon GO players can pick up the newest batch of event field research tasks by spinning any Pokestop and getting the items provided. Spinning gym disks won’t give any field research tasks requiring players to prioritize Pokestops.
There are five different event-exclusive field research tasks available with each providing a Pokemon encounter for a reward. Some of these Pokemon even have the small chance to appear in their shiny forms.

Being field research tasks, these tasks can be considered easier to complete compared to certain timed research tasks and Special Research tasks. Players can only collect these field research tasks during the current Weather Week event, but they can also be completed after the event is over if players already collect them.
The field research tasks for the March 2021 Weather Week event are:
Catch five Flying-type Pokemon – Swablu encounter
Catch seven Water-type Pokemon – Tympole encounter
Catch seven Water, Electric, or Bug-type Pokemon – Rainy Castform encounter
Catch seven Flying, Psychic, or Dragon-type Pokemon – Rainy Castform encounter
Win two raids – Emolga encounter
Out of these Pokemon only Swablu and Rainy Castform have the chance to encounter them in their shiny forms. This event actually is the premiere of Rainy Castform’s shiny form with its other weather variations likely getting their own shiny forms in other future events.
Weather Week sees the increase spawn rates of multiple Pokemon including various Water, Flying, and Bug-type Pokemon. These encounters will make completing the field research tasks far easier compared to normal Pokemon spawn rates outside the event. This is especially true for players that live in land-locked areas that may not see too many Water-type Pokemon spawning for them during clear weather.
Although Rainy Castform normally appears only during rainy weather in real life, the encounter with it through the field research tasks will always make sure that it will be in its rainy form. The wild however is a different story with it being affected by the real weather as it normally would be. While Castform is a Normal-type Pokemon, Rainy Castform is instead a pure Water-type Pokemon with its moveset reflecting that.
The March 2021 Weather Week event will be running from March 24th to March 29th, 2021. It will be ending on its final day at 8:00 PM in players’ local times.
Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.
Source: Leek Duck

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