The Yakuza series is known for some pretty dark material. The sixth installment, The Song Of Life, could very well be the heaviest of all. Thankfully, the series is also known for its sidestories, which provide a bit of levity amongst the high-stakes crime drama. These are where the wackiness of the series really shines, in all its fish-punching, mascot-fighting glory.
Yakuza 6 has 51 sidestories in all, and completing each one might be a bit of a hassle. Some only trigger at nighttime, others require the completion of earlier sidestories. But if the player knows where and when to look, they won’t miss out on these great little diversions.
10 The Curse Of Onomichi

The Yakuza series has its moments of horror and even a zombie apocalypse spinoff game in Dead Souls. It’s still quite a shock to see Kiryu fighting the ghosts of dead pirates in this unique substory. There’s a bit of mystery involved, and the game manages some surprisingly decent horror ambiance along the way. It all ends with an effective, if a bit predictable, stinger.
Many players miss this substory because it only triggers at night. Go to the cemetery during Chapter 4 and confront a strange “phantom”, and the Gravedigger will start the story off.
9 Sins Of The Father

Anyone who’s played Yakuza 0 will remember Majima’s substory Disciple of the New Order, where he’s tasked with exposing a cult leader. It turns out, nearly three decades later, the cult is still kicking in Onomichi. Like Majima before him, Kiryu has to infiltrate the Order to stop a poor soul from getting scammed. The whole thing plays out very similarly to the substory in 0 but ends in a surprising twist.
In Chapter 4, Kiryu can meet two old people talking on the Second Hill Path. Complete the substory to get the Eye of the Dragon, a powerful gear item that increases Heat.
8 I, Hiji

Kiryu is pushing fifty by the time Yakuza 6 begins, so he’s not up on all the latest technology. He finds himself outwitted by an advanced AI assistant in this short but sweet substory. It starts out goofy but the ending is almost bittersweet.
This Chapter 1 substory may be a bit harder to find due to its specific location. Go west from the Ebisu pawnshop and turn the corner, and Kiryu should spot a man talking to his phone. Finishing the substory awards the Good Luck Amulet, a decent piece of gear for the early game.
7 Like, Comment, Subscribe

Some people will do anything for the clout. Tsutsui is a wanna-be vlogger trying to film yakuza members for his newest video. Too bad for him, because Kiryu is (technically) a civilian. The little snot continues to cause trouble throughout Kamurocho. When Kiryu finally manages to teach him a lesson, it’s extremely satisfying.
This substory is available in Chapter 6, after the fight in Stardust. It’s hard to miss the quest-giver – he’s the guy with the selfie stick goofing around in Theater Square.
6 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time?

Anime fans will recognize the title of this substory. Naturally, it has the same premise as the popular film – a high school girl claims she is a time traveler. She’s traveled from the year 2017 to prevent a rift that had formed within her family. Although, Kiryu is strangely resistant to the idea of a time traveler. Wasn’t he just fighting ghosts a few entries ago?
The substory is available in Onomichi starting from Chapter 4. Miku will approach Kiryu as he’s walking the Hilltop Path near the cemetery.
5 Deep Blue Sea

Fishing minigames are so common they’re on the verge of becoming a cliche, and even the Yakuza series has had a few in its time. Yakuza 6 kicks it up a notch with spearfishing. Kiryu won’t just be catching fish – he’ll have to take down a slew of briny baddies. Deep Blue Sea is essentially the final level of spearfishing, and it involves Kiryu punching a killer shark. Enough said.
This is the third and last Substory unlocked through the Spearfishing minigame. All of them start during the daytime in Chapter 4 Onomichi. Talk to Isao at the Ferry Dock to dive in.
4 Pocket Circuit Fighter Returns

In Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, the Pocket Circuit minigame entertained and/or frustrated many players for hours. The ringleader of the races, Pocket Circuit Fighter, returns in this substory. Sadly, the Fighter’s fallen on hard times. Not only has he quit the slot car biz, but he’s also estranged from his wife and son. It’s up to Kiryu to reunite the family.
Unfortunately, there’s no Pocket Circuit minigame in Yakuza 6. But this sendoff for a fan-favorite character shouldn’t be missed. Kiryu’s old friend is found selling tofu in the Shops Alley after Chapter 5 begins.
3 Haruka’s Biggest Fan

Kiryu’s foster daughter Haruka is incredibly important to Yakuza 6, despite being absent for most of the story. She’s also very dear to a certain little girl named Ayaka. Helping Ayaka out isn’t the hardest quest in the game, but it’s one of the most popular just for being so darn heartwarming.
This is one of the earliest available substories. As soon as Kiryu leaves Sky Finance, he can head to Children’s Park. Have 50,000 yen ready to purchase a special item needed to finish the quest.
2 Oh No! It’s Ono Michio!

Who could forget Ono Michio? This fruit-noggin fellow is the friendly town mascot of Onomichi, but the last costume actor called it quits. Kiryu is predictably dragged into the role and has to entertain the children as well as deal with a group of those ever-present delinquents.
Go to the Central Shopping District during Chapter 4 or later to find the mascot’s head and kick things off. Completing the mission as well as Substory #40 unlocks further Ono Michio antics in Substories #30 and #31. It also rewards the Fighter’s Binding gear.
1 Jo Amon

It wouldn’t be a Yakuza game without Jo Amon. The legendary assassin appears as a hidden boss in every mainline installment (Like a Dragon is the only exception). In 6, he adopts a completely new fighting style. Amon is physically weaker than in previous games, but he brings a small army of attack drones.
Unlock the Jo Amon boss by finishing Substories #24 and #50. After a fight atop the Millenium Tower in the final chapter, Kiryu receives a text from his eternal rival. This is the hardest boss in the game by a large margin. Ideally, all of Kiryu’s stats should be above 200 before taking Amon’s challenge.

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