Microsoft’s gaming subscription, Xbox Game Pass, is a service that just keeps on giving. The prospect of getting access to hundreds of titles, both Indie and AAA, seems too valuable to pass on. Microsoft’s next-gen strategy seems to be another great step in making the subscription a lot more appealing to a far greater audience. The gaming giant has plans for putting many high-profile releases such as Outriders on the service at launch without any additional cost. The recent Microsoft acquisition of Bethesda/ZeniMax Media has given another boost to the service, with 20 highly-acclaimed games getting added to the service.
Another news that might have flown under many gamers’ radars is the launch of EA Play’s service to Xbox Game Pass PC. This had been heavily anticipated for quite some time, and after a short delay, the service is finally available to try out. This makes it an opportune time for a rundown through all games available via the service, which may help players make a more informed decision on the matter.

Below is the list of games available to play with EA Play on Xbox Game Pass for PC:
- A Way Out
- Anthem
- Battlefield 1
- Battlefield 3
- Battlefield 4: Premium Edition
- Battlefield 5
- Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition
- Burnout Paradise Remastered
- Command and Conquer Remastered Collection
- Crysis
- Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 2
- Dead Space 3
- Dragon Age 2
- Dragon Age: Inquistion
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Dungeon Keeper
- Dungeon Keeper 2
- FIFA 16
- FIFA 17
- Fe
- FIFA 15
- FIFA 18
- FIFA 19
- FIFA 20
- FIFA 21 – 10 hours trial version
- Jade Empire: Special Edition
- Madden NFL 19
- Madden NFL 20
- Madden 21
- Mass Effect
- Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
- Mass Effect 3 N7 Digital Deluxe Edition
- Mass Effect: Andromeda Deluxe Edition
- Medal of Honor Airborne
- Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
- Mirror’s Edge
- Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
- Need for Speed Deluxe Edition
- Need for Speed Heat Deluxe Edition
- Need for Speed Most Wanted
- Need for Speed Payback Deluxe Edition
- Need for Speed Rivals: Complete Edition
- Boggle
- Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
- Plants vs Zombies: Battle of Neighborville Deluxe Edition
- Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition
- Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2
- Populous
- Populous 2: Trials of the Olympian Gods
- Rocket Arena
- The Saboteur
- Sea of Solitude
- The Sims 3 Starter Pack
- The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition
- Sim City 2000 Special Edition
- SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
- SimCity Complete Edition
- Spore
- Star Wars Battlefront: Ultimate Edition
- Star Wars: Battlefront 2: Celebration Edition
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
- Titanfall Deluxe Edition
- Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition
- Unravel
- Unravel 2

The collection here seems to be of immense value, and the diversity of titles on offer is astonishing. There’s almost something available for every kind of gamer, along with a healthy dose of classics like Command and Conquer and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, among many others. In addition to this, live-service titles like Anthem are also available which might not be perfect, but is an option nevertheless for players who would like to try it out. Xbox Game Pass is great for gaming funk, and these titles seem to be a great addition for players looking to try out new experiences.

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