Ideally, when a notorious bug or glitch is patched out, it’s gone forever. For instance, Call of Duty: Warzone was once plagued with a glitch that would render players invisible, giving them an unfair advantage in online multiplayer matches. But despite it being previously removed not too long ago, it was spotted earlier this month in the game’s King Slayer mode and it seems that it’s not limited to that mode either.
Initially spotted by Dexerto, Reddit user fcpl shared a short clip of Call of Duty: Warzone gameplay, which clearly shows them taking damage and ultimately taken out by an enemy player multiple times. However, in each instance, the enemy is nowhere to be seen. The most egregious example is during a rooftop battle, where there’s very few places to hide and it takes place in broad daylight.
As fcpl points out, even the gunshots themselves are invisible, making it completely impossible to tell where the enemy is shooting from. They add that it took place during the game’s Plunder mode, with a couple of commenters adding that they had encountered the glitch in Plunder too.
With there now reports of it occurring in two different modes, it may be safe to assume that it could be widespread across the entire game. But the big question is how the glitch is being pulled off. At the time of writing, there doesn’t appear to be a confirmed method of triggering it and it’s not even clear if the invisible players are aware of their situation and attempting to play legitimately blissfully unaware of the advantage they received.
The Call of Duty series seems to have something of a recurring issue with invisibility as of late. Aside from this glitch, which keeps popping back up despite the patches, some players have been able to achieve something similar using the infamous Roze skin. Since the skin is all-black, it can make players who use it almost invisible depending on the circumstances, leading to some labelling it as pay-to-win and having to come up with their own countermeasures.
It’s not even limited to Warzone either. A new Phantom skin in Call of Duty Mobile is turning players invisible too and, unlike the Roze skin, it’s due to a bug. Thankfully, Activision is aware of the problem and is working to fix it. Hopefully, it’s doing the same for Warzone as well and, this time, will find a way to remove it for good.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Source: Dexerto

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