Destiny 2: Beyond Light, like many games, has its fair share of cheaters and hackers. While most cheating and hacking is done on PC, the console versions of Destiny 2: Beyond Light are not immune to cheating and hacking. Destiny players have been voicing their frustration with cheaters with many popular players even moving away from PC because of the number of cheaters.
For the last month, Bungie has been battling an exploit in its Fireteam Rejoin feature that has caused Trials of Osiris to be canceled until last weekend. Bungie has mentioned in the past that it does not ban people for using systems in the game in unintended ways. When it comes to cheats and hacks, Bungie has been known to focus on third-party software.
Today March 24, 2021, Bungie’s Twitter account let out a message informing people that Destiny’s Security Team has taken a swing of the banhammer. This reaffirms Bungie’s stance against cheaters and its desire to keep Destiny a fair and level playing field in Destiny.
Bungie further states that it is watching, which should ease some concerns from the community around Bungie’s stance against cheaters. While many players may want a more detailed message that discusses Bungie’s plan of action, Bungie did not give any details around the ban wave.
Bungie has previously stated that it does not want to give too much information on its banning process or how it plans to attack cheaters. Deciding to withhold information is a strategy for Bungie to combat the cheaters and hackers.
Previously, Bungie teamed up with Riot Games to sue GatorCheats, a software company that makes cheats for online games. Bungie has been taking cheating seriously for a while now and has continuously taken steps to mitigate cheating in Destiny 2.
Bungie’s persistence against cheaters and hackers proves just how difficult of a process it is to combat those who don’t play fair. Destiny 2: Beyond Light players may not think Bungie is doing enough to combat the non-stop issue of cheating, but Bungie’s recent tweet should give some Guardians more peace of mind that it’s actively working on the problem.
While the problem of cheaters is a problem in many games, Bungie being vocal about its opposition to cheaters and hackers is a good thing. Hopefully, this will make some cheaters and hackers think twice about trying to hack their way through the game using third-party software or cheats.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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