Fallout 76 gives players complete power over Appalachia by enabling them to have access to nukes. Of course, gaining access to such a devastating device is no easy feat. Any fan of Fallout 76 knows that there is much to explore in this game and finding a way to get out of nuclear power comes with many steps. It is not as simple as walking into a base and pushing a big red button. There’s a very complex procedure to launching nuclear missiles and it can take some doing.
Basically, there are three major components to finding a way to launch a nuke. The first is that players will need to find the Nuclear Silo Code Fragments. The second is gaining access to the Silos, and lastly, players will need to find a way into the Control Room. Gathering the Nuclear Silo Code Fragments is generally a randomly generated thing. They can be garnered by looting the corpses of Scorched Officers or Feral Ghoul Officers. Scorched Officers are usually found outside of The Forest. Look for a soldier that has a big backpack with a “pinging” antenna erected out of it. That’s a good indicator that this is a Scorched Officer and they can pretty easy to spot if players know what to look for.
Once players have the codes ready, they will still be denied access to the Silos. This is due to the fact that only high-ranking Generals are allowed in the elevator that enters the Silo. The best way to work around this is by joining “The Enclave.” This organization has military connections and they can help bypass the security in the different bases. They can be found in a secret bunker in The Mire sheltered within The Abandoned Waste Dump. Players will need to solve puzzles and do other tests to be able to officially join. Once a player is a part of “The Enclave,” they will only be a grunt and they will need to climb the ranks and reach the level of General before attempting to enter a Silo. Start by doing basic training at Camp McClintock and work the way up by doing missions and leveling up.

Thus, “The Enclave” will also help decrypt the weekly codes by letting players use printers to sort out the letters. Leaving for a while and showing back up later in the week will show some of the code deciphered. Of course, if players don’t want to wait, they can try and unravel the code themselves. The code is usually an eight-lettered word that can be sometimes easily guessed, but players can also use a cipher tool online to help straighten things out. Just know that players will only have a working code for one week at a time since they rotate.
Finally, gaining access to the Silos is no laughing matter. There will be resistance that ranges from level 20 turrets to level 50 Mr. Gutsies. It’s recommended to gear up with heavy weapons and have a good supply of food handy. There will be a laser grid that can be turned off with Biometric ID cards that will be either found or forged. After that, the next area will consist of ripping out mainframe cores while fending off robots. Once players finally fight their way into the control room, players will be tasked with defending crew chief robots as they reconstruct the missile.
After all that is accomplished, players will need to find the correct terminal and finalize the authorization. Just enter the nuclear keycard and insert the weekly code that was deciphered by the collected code fragments. There are three hidden Silos that can be used throughout the map. Site Alpha can be found within the center of the Savage Divide, north of the National Isolated Radio Array and southeast of Top of the World. Site Charlie is found near the railroads within The Savage Divide between Bastion Park and Spruce Knobb. Lastly, Site Bravo can be located northeast of the Grafton Dam within The Savage Divide at the foot of some cliffs that’s south of the Winding Path.

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