One of the best things about Kingdom Hearts is the loveable characters that fans have felt attached to across the series. Though the Disney and Square Enix characters that were added to the games are great, the original ones, such as Sora, Roxas, and Xehanort, are some of the best heroes and villains out there.
Axel is one of fans’ favorite characters as he has had a great arc, being both a protagonist and an antagonist since the first title he was in, Chain of Memories. He also has a lot of quotes that have resonated with fans, with these ten being the best.
10 “You Kidding? Do You Know How Popular I Am? I Got Loads Of People Rootin’ For Me. Sorry, Boss. No One Axes Axel. Got It Memorized?”

In Kingdom Hearts III, Axel became the comic relief character and subtly broke the fourth wall. Knowing how popular he is among fans, he said these words to Xemnas during their fight at the Keyblade Graveyard. However, as Axel took a swing at his former boss, Xemnas grabbed Axel’s keyblade and took it away, leaving Axel without his weapon. He was able to get it back shortly after as Sora, Riku, and King Mickey defeated Xemnas.
9 “You Know, I Was Gonna Come Swooping In, Keyblade In Hand! But I Just Couldn’t Get Mine To Materialize. Must Be In The Snap Of The Wrist Or Something.”

In Dream Drop Distance, Sora almost unwillingly became a Seeker of Darkness. Luckily, he was saved by his friends, with Axel being the one that helped the most. As the Seekers of Darkness faded away, Axel, Sora, and the others went back to the Mysterious Tower, where Master Yen Sid announced that Riku passed the Mark of Mastery exam. Axel told him that he would catch up soon, revealing that he learned how to wield a keyblade. He had some trouble summoning it at first but was able to at the Mysterious Tower, shocking everyone around him.
8 “We Are Just Nobodies Who Have No One To Be, Yet We Still ‘Are.’ But Now You Can Be Nothing Instead Of Just Being A Nobody.”

When Axel, Vexen, Marluxia, Larxene, Zexion, and Lexaeus went to Castle Oblivion, Saix told Axel that he was to find the traitors among them and defeat them. Axel quickly learned that Marluxia and Larxene were the ones planning to overthrow Organization XIII, but pretended to be on their side for a while. During this act, Marluxia told Axel to eliminate Vexen, who was fighting Sora. When Axel showed up, he defeated Vexen by burning him, causing Sora to think Axel was one of the most dangerous and evil enemies he faced at this point.
7 “Guess I… Shoulda Brought Some Ice Cream.”

For ten years, fans waited for Axel to reunite with Roxas and Xion. In order to save Sora, Xion had to sacrifice herself and was forgotten by everyone that ever knew her. Roxas completely lost his memory after that and was the last key to bring Sora back.
Axel lost two of his best friends in a matter of days, but was finally able to reunite with them towards the end of Kingdom Hearts III, when they returned and were able to be their own people without Sora needing them. As the three friends used to eat ice cream everyday, he said these words and hugged them.
6 “You Really Do Remember Me This Time? I’m So Flattered. But You’re Too Late!”

After Roxas lost his memory, Axel tried to remind him of who he was. When Roxas couldn’t remember anything, the other members of Organization XIII ordered Axel to defeat his old friend. Though he wouldn’t remember his past until later on, Roxas did learn about some of the things that happened to him, such as being friends with Axel. Sadly, his time was up and Axel had to fight him, saying these words as their battle began.
5 “So, Sora, Now That We’re Getting To Know Each Other Better… Don’t You Go Off And Die On Me Now!”

When Axel was first introduced, he seemed to be an entirely different person than what players would end up knowing him as. He wanted to fight Sora and had a strange, casual conversation with him before the two had their first battle. This was the last thing he said to the keyblade wielder before that boss fight. It was a great and memorable way for players to meet this character, leaving them to be very interested in learning more about him.
4 “This Is All Very Touching, Guys, But Where Do I Fit In? Ven Looks Just Like Roxas- Or Is It Roxas Looks Just Like Ven? And Now I Have To Explain All Of That To Him- Which Is In Itself A Crazy Long Story- And, Apparently Everybody Already Knows Everyone, And This Is An Insane Amount To Get Memorized!”

Another quote where Axel subtly broke the fourth wall, he said these words when the Guardians of Light united at the Mysterious Tower. Seeing that Sora, Riku, and Kairi had been lifelong friends, Aqua and Ven had trained together and finally reunited after being apart for a decade, and that Aqua and King Mickey met Kairi when she was a little girl, Axel felt left out.
It didn’t help that Ven reminded him of Roxas. This quote explains exactly how the players feel due to Kingdom Hearts being such a convoluted franchise, with very few getting the story memorized.
3 “What’s Your Problem? You Both… Think You Can Do Whatever You Want. Well, I’m Sick Of It. Go On, You Just Keep Running. But I’ll Always Be There To Bring You Back!”

When Xion left the organization to return to Sora, Axel had to bring her back. He found her in Twilight Town, where the two spent weeks together before Xion found out where she came from. He tried to convince her to join him and rethink helping Organization XIII’s enemies, but her mind was made up and she was ready to fight him, knowing that he wouldn’t listen to her. When she summoned her keyblade, he screamed this quote, thinking of how both Xion and Roxas returning to Sora would be terrible for him as he’d be left alone.
2 “I Want Everybody I Meet To Remember Me. Inside People’s Memories, I Can Live Forever.”

Before Axel joined Organization XIII, he was known as Lea. In Birth by Sleep, he and Isa met Ven on their way to Hollow Bastion. Lea challenged Ven to a friendly battle that he lost, and the two became friends. When Isa told Lea that they had to go, he asked him why he wanted to stop to fight Ven, and this was his response.
1 “I Wanted To See Roxas. He… Was The Only One I Liked… He Made Me Feel… Like I Had A Heart. It’s Kind Of… Funny… You Make Me Feel… The Same…”

Though Axel and Sora were enemies in Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II, they would end up teaming up towards the end of the latter. In order to help Sora get to The World That Never Was, Axel sacrificed himself to defeat the nobodies they were fighting. As Axel faded away, turning back into Lea, he told Sora how much Roxas meant to him. This is when Axel’s biggest change took place, from being a member of Organization XIII that was an enemy to Sora and his friends to becoming a friend of Sora’s himself and turning his back on the group he was loyal to.

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