Mages. Whether they are the inquisitive, secluded types who prefer to stay in and practice their magic surrounded by knowledge or the outgoing, curious types who feel that adventure is its own method of learning, both will surely need support in the form of companionship. What better companion is there than a significant other who will be there to share in all the ups and downs the magic-filled life of a mage provides?
Of course, some wives are more suitable than others and the same is true in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. If a player wants to be a pure mage, here are the best wives suited for someone of that playstyle.
8 Ria, The Newblood Companion

Every mage needs a dose of optimism, especially with the tedious and failure-prone work of handling magic. This is where Ria comes in. When one meets her, she is the newest member of the Companions of Jorrvaskr. Despite this, she is excited and strongly optimistic about where her journey will take her, as she has dreamed of becoming a member of the Companions ever since she was a little girl.
Generally, warriors serve as great foils for mages. Even though Ria’s stats are not the greatest, she is one of the few followers who actually prefers dual-wielding, making her excellent at outputting damage, especially early on.
7 Njada Stonearm

Njada Stonearm would more often than not rather break hearts than take care of one. Nevertheless, for any mage who is willing to look past her cold nature and general aloofness, if they can win her loyalty, they will have themselves a veritable tank that would give her life to protect their loved one.
Njada is an expert trainer in Block, allowing her to train the skill up to level 75. It is also listed as her primary skill, giving it the most stats out of her others. If given some of the better shields in the game, she will be sure to absorb tons of damage from some of Skyrim‘s strongest foes. One of the perfect tanks to help draw in enemies and line up a powerful spell.
6 Borgakh the Steel Heart

Borgakh is a woman who commands respect and in-game, once it is won, she will be willing to leave an already arranged marriage to marry the player character. As an orc who prefers heavy armor and shields, she makes for a powerful warrior given her natural abilities and the Berserk power she wields once per day.
Despite her preference for heavy armor, Borgakh is also quite skilled at sneaking, giving her an unexpected level of versatility and power. For those mages with a preference towards the beauty and power of the Orsimer, she is the obvious choice.
5 Lydia, Housecarl of Whiterun

Lydia is sworn to carry the player’s burdens. But even if married, it is unknown if her cadence continues as a joke or genuine spite. Regardless, Lydia has the loyalty factor going strongly for her and as far as housecarls go, she is certainly one of the most versatile. She has a better tendency to use whatever equipment is the best overall for a situation, even though she prefers heavy armor and one-handed weapons.
Lydia’s sneak skill is very low, however, so do not expect to get anywhere stealthily if taken on an adventure. For those mages who are hoarders though, there is no one better to carry your burdens.
4 Jordis the Sword-Maiden

Jordis the Sword-Maiden is slightly better than Lydia in very minor ways. Their skills are more or less the same, with Lydia even exceeding her in some stats. However, Jordis has a willingness to use spells where Lydia will not and she can only be obtained as a housecarl then subsequently married after purchasing the enormous and expensive Proudspire Manor.
Therefore, in a way, Jordis is Lydia, but comes with a mansion and does not patronize the player when asked to carry a few things. What more could a mage truly ask for in a wife?
3 Uthgerd the Unbroken

Uthgerd the Unbroken is, as her name implies, quite the hardy woman. She can be met very early on in the game at Whiterun’s The Bannered Mare, and after defeating her in a brawl, she will be willing to follow the Dragonborn for 500 gold. She is an experienced warrior and quite accomplished in her exploits. She was actually barred from joining the Companions as she accidentally killed the boy she was put up against to fight. Too tough for the Companions from a certain perspective.
Uthgerd also comes with her own home in Whiterun that immediately becomes usable and all things inside able to be taken once she becomes a follower, let alone married. For any mage that wants a capable, older woman at their side for the rest of their lives, look no further than the Unbroken.
2 Rayya, Housecarl of Falkreath

Rayya, like most of the other housecarls, does not have much of a personality. She is loyal to a fault as long as one helps out her hold of Falkreath. Despite her stats being relatively average for a protector, Rayya is also one of the rare dual wielders, outclassing Ria by a fair amount.
Furthermore, if Lakeview Manor is purchased in Falkreath, no matter if married or not, Rayya will patrol the grounds of that homestead, protecting it from all dangers that come its way, permitting she isn’t following the Dragonborn. One has to admire a person who takes her commitment towards duty to a level such as that. Any mage would be lucky to have her.
1 Mjoll the Lioness

Mjoll the Lioness may prove to be the pinnacle wife/protector for any mage character for one simple reason: she is marked as essential and therefore cannot die. It matters not how much damage she takes, she will remain in a downed state until she is no longer being attacked, where she will then get back up, heal if she can, and continue to protect without hesitation. Mjoll has also adventured across all of Tamriel, has a unique glass sword called Grimsever, enjoys being kind to others, and is arguably one of the best tanks in the game.
The only possible downside is that marrying Mjoll means that her companion in Riften, Aerin, follows her wherever she is resting. This includes a shared home between spouses. Aerin is not an essential character though, so if he were to somehow fall in combat, that would certainly solve such an issue without drawing Mjoll’s ire. Mjoll is the sentinel that any mage would be foolish to not want to marry.

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