In the Elder Scrolls universe, there is no one type of warrior, and those who have invested long enough time in the lifestyle become truly distinct combatants. Nevertheless, every warrior can benefit from having a home to come back to, and even further if they have a wife to welcome them home.
The obvious foil for any warrior going into combat is for them to have a companion that can deal ranged damage, otherwise, a melee fighter will have to charge an opponent that can hurt them from a distance. But perhaps this does not need to be the case either. Here are the best wives in Skyrim for any pure warrior builds.
7 Rayya, The Housecarl Of Falkreath

Rayya, the housecarl of Falkreath, follows the structure of most other housecarls in terms of personality. As a wife for a warrior, she would superficially appear to be just another sword-arm for a traveling warrior couple, but what makes her exceptional is her proficiency with dual weaponry.
Her starting equipment is the dual scimitars of her native Hammerfell, but she will happily equip any weaponry that has stats better than them. For any warrior that wants to have a loyal, beautiful woman who adds two additional swords at their back, Rayya is a fantastic choice.
6 Priestesses of Dibella: Anwen, Orla or Senna

It might be strange to have three individuals for one entry for possible wives, but these priestesses of Dibella are so similar personality-wise to one another, that it warrants not ranking one over the other. As priestesses, Anwen, Orla, and Senna are not necessarily potential combatants, in fact, even if married, they will not become followers for the Last Dragonborn.
As priestesses, they are proficient in the Restoration school of magic, making them a desirable choice for any prospective warrior to come home to and lick their wounds. All that a warrior would need to decide is which of the three women they find the most appealing to their interests.
5 Dravynea the Stoneweaver

For those fighters who like to mix up their combat by enhancing their own physical prowess with magic and also have an interest in marrying a master that can help them hone such a craft, Dravynea the Stoneweaver, of Kynesgrove, would be an excellent woman to propose to.
Based on dialogue with her, she came to Skyrim from Morrowind after the disaster the Red Year had wrought upon the province. She has few ties to the land, but has set up shop in the village of Kynesgrove, using her mastery of the school of Alteration to maintain the Steamscorch Mine, which as its name implies, is prone to geysers of steam and possible collapse on occasions. If she is aided in a request to get frost salts, she will happily accept a proposal from a traveling warrior and she will always be ready to aid them in any pursuit they might have in learning Alteration magic.
4 Muiri, A Venomous Alchemist

Muiri is the apprentice apothecary to Bothela at the Hag’s Cure in Markarth. Her circumstances for being there are rather sad as she was jilted and betrayed by a former lover and a close friend. She seeks revenge against them, putting out a Dark Brotherhood contract on their lives, and if fulfilled, she will become more than willing to marry whoever personally aided her in this revenge endeavor.
It would be up to the warrior themselves if they feel that such a price is worth marrying the young and pretty alchemist, or if they even want to marry someone willing to go to such lengths for revenge. Regardless, having an apothecary as a wife opens up a wealth of options in terms of potions and poisons that could be concocted for the many journeys the player will embark on. Especially her specialty with poisons.
3 Ghorza gra-Bagol, The Stone-City Blacksmith

Marrying a blacksmith as a pure warrior is a combination that’s as satisfying as combining chocolate with peanut butter. Lucky for players, one such option does exist in the Orc blacksmith for the city of Markarth, Ghorza-gra-Bagol. Like many blacksmiths, she can come off as rather rough around the edges, but she loves her work (learning her craft during a decade of service in the Imperial legion) and is not afraid to show appreciation to those who help her.
She can teach any player all the Common levels of blacksmithing and of course, access to a blacksmith at a warrior’s home is an advantage that few would want to pass up. It is a little disappointing that she is the only female blacksmith option for a wife, but it is still nice to have the option nonetheless.
2 Brelyna Maryon, The Ambitious Mage

For those warriors who seek to bring their mage wife along with them on their adventures, a great choice to pursue would be the Dumner mage apprentice at the College of Winterhold, Brelyna Maryon. Despite initial encounters with her coming off as terse, she warms up quickly if it’s evident that the player does not want to pester her with questions about her past or her race. She can become a marriage candidate after following along with the main questline of the College and eventually aiding her with personal magical experiments.
On adventures, she makes for a capable spell-caster, easily dispatching any weaker enemies who may be just out of a charging warrior’s reach. She does have a low health pool, but thankfully, only a blow from the player can fully kill her when she is in a downed state, which should be easy to avoid as a warrior if she keeps her distance.
1 Aela the Huntress

Aela the Huntress has always been a popular choice as a wife since Skrim’s initial release and it is not difficult to understand why. Besides the obvious attributes such as her unique appearance and the fact that she is a werewolf, her stats are actually quite impressive as she levels with the Last Dragonborn up to level 50.
Another interesting fact is that despite being a high-ranking member of a warrior group like the Companions, she is actually registered as a Thief class in the game’s code, meaning she excels at skills like sneaking and archery. She is actually an Expert level archery trainer within the game. Since these skills are not necessarily in the repertoire of a pure warrior build, warriors would be lucky to have her abilities at their disposal. For those who wish to have a strong, beautiful, Nordic, werewolf, archer-thief as their spouse, there is no other choice than Aela.

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