A dedicated fan of Fire Emblem: Three Houses has imagined an iconic Final Fantasy character in one of Fire Emblem‘s signature S-Rank love confession scenes. While Tifa Lockhart is an iconic potential love interest for Cloud, the new artwork takes it one step further.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses continues the series’ long-running focus on building relationships and marriages between combatants. While Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates gave married characters children who could fight in battle, marriage in Three Houses only plays a role in the game’s endings. As the war for Fodlan draws to a close, protagonist Byleth can choose whether they would like to propose to anyone from Garreg Mach. Doing so results in a heartfelt confession scene right before the credits.
Reddit user fadingzz created an image with Tifa against a striking sunset in the style of Three Houses‘ ending scenes. While Tifa’s clothes do not necessarily align with the standard dress code of Garreg Mach, the art does a great job of adapting Tifa to the overall style of Three Houses. Tifa’s facial structure in the dialogue box image appears to be inspired by Manuela, the popular Garreg Mach professor, although Tifa has her own eye color, earrings, and other features.
Tifa’s dialogue might seem unrelated to a love confession, but it’s actually a callback to Final Fantasy 7 Remake. If Cloud takes the time to fully complete Sector 7 missions early in the game with Tifa, she will ask him what to wear for an upcoming night out with him. This actually changes what Tifa will wear later on during the Wall Market sequence. While Cloud’s answer can lead to several outcomes, none of them are represented in fadingzz’s image.
This image may frustrate those who would like Tifa and Cloud to enter a relationship in the canon of the Final Fantasy 7 games. While Cloud clearly spends much of his screen time focused on Aerith, there are a few signs that Tifa and Cloud do have something between them. For one, Tifa can share several intimate moments with Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 based on dialogue choices, and the two create something of a makeshift family in the sequel film Advent Children.
On a different note, it would be fun to imagine how Tifa might function as a Fire Emblem combat unit. She would likely use the rapid-fire brawling techniques from her home series, fitting in with characters like Caspar. Hopefully, however, Tifa would be a bit more useful than Caspar in Maddening Mode playthroughs, where the brawler is effectively useless.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is available now for the Nintendo Switch.

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