Monster Hunter Rise, like its predecessors, has a wide variety of gear to craft from the various monsters that are able to be hunted. Normally to get a piece of gear, players would have to go and collect several different materials to give to the blacksmith. However, there is a unique long sword in Monster Hunter Rise that players can earn without having to gather materials.
Long swords are a popular weapon type, both in Monster Hunter World and seemingly in Monster Hunter Rise. However, before players can obtain the Hand-Me-Down Longsword, they will need to progress through the Village quests. The Village quests will be the single player quests available at the main plaza of Kamura. From there players will need to rank up until they finish enough 4 star key quests to unlock an urgent quest called Comeuppance.
In Monster Hunter World, there were no key quests per se, rather there were assignments that progressed the story and had to be undertaken in a certain order. Monster Hunter Rise does not do this and is instead closer in structure to the games that came before World such as Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. To unlock more quests players must complete a certain number of key quests to unlock the urgent quest that will open up the next star rank. In previous games, specific quests had to be completed to progress. In Rise some quests count towards progression and some don’t, but players need not finish all the key quests in a star rank, just a certain number. The key quests are at the top of the quest list and are marked by a red icon to the left of their title.

Once enough 4 star key quests have been completed, the Kamura Village elder will present the player with the new urgent quest, Comeuppance. The target of this quest is the new flagship monster of Monster Hunter Rise, Magnamalo. There’s nothing out of the ordinary about the fight; it plays out like any other fight would, but Magnamalo does have some hard hitting attacks, as well as his own form of blastblight called Hellfireblight. Hellfireblight is very similar to blastblight, but if players wiredash with it, hellfire will be left on the field which they can use to their advantage to detonate in the fight.
After completing Comeuppance and cutscene will play in which Fugen gives the player his own long sword. The sword starts with 120 attack, 7 fire element, 10% affinity, and green sharpness. It can be upgraded to bring it to high rank level, but players will need to provide their own materials that time.
Monster Hunter Rise is now available for the Nintendo Switch. A PC release is slated for 2022.
Source: Monster Hunter Wiki (Hellfireblight), IGN (Sword Upgrade)

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