Players who want to find success in Monster Hunter Rise will inevitably become familiar with the game’s upgrade system. Improving weapons and armor is vital, and that means that searching for materials is a regular task for career monster hunters. Some materials are gathered from the environment, and many are carved from large monsters that the game is named for. And some of the most desirable materials come from other fauna that might be found off the beaten path. This guide will help hunters find the coveted Warm Pelt material that’s useful for some important crafts in Monster Hunter Rise.
Some weapons, such as the Anteka Burst bowgun, will require Warm Pelts. There are armor sets that call for the hide as well, such as that of the Arzuros or Lagombi. There are two small monster types that yield Warm Pelt – Kelbi and Anteka. These species can be found in the Shrine Ruins and Frost Islands, respectively. Hunters who are searching for these creatures can take on an Expedition Tour so they can gather as much as they like without having to complete a specific objective. Once in the appropriate hunting grounds, it’s a simple matter of hopping on a palamute and riding to the spawn areas outlined below.

Kelbi are definitely the best source of Warm Pelts. According to the in-game Hunter’s Notes, Warm Pelt can be carved from Kelbi at a 45% chance. The habitats for this peaceful wildlife creature can be found in the northernmost reaches of the Shrine Ruins. Areas 11 and 13 are the specific areas that hunters should investigate. A few Kelbi should be found grazing in each zone. If the player doesn’t collect enough Warm Pelt from these populations to satisfy their needs, killing some time by taking in scenic views or simply completing the quest and starting anew will give the Kelbi a chance to respawn.

Anteka are not as lucrative as Kelbi when it comes to gathering Warm Pelts, but a hunter who finds themselves in the Frost Islands on other business might choose to make a stop at the local spawning grounds to see what can be found. Anteka can be found in Area 1, which is conveniently located very close to the main campsite of Frost Islands. While Anteka only have an 18% chance to yield Warm Pelt, the player may decide to take the opportunity to search for valuable Icium while they’re in the Frost Islands locale.
Monster Hunter Rise contains quite a few other valuable and hard-to-find resources that players will need to track down to make necessary upgrades to their loadout. Learning the lay of the land and becoming familiar with the environment is part of the charm of becoming immersed in the monster hunter role. Players who master this aspect of the game will always be the most prepared and best equipped.
Monster Hunter Rise is now available for the Nintendo Switch and a PC port is expected for early 2022.

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